10 Things I Love About Troye (ii)

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1. His considerateness.

This is the start of the list, so I may as well start with something regarding the beginning of our relationship. When Troye and I started dating, I wasn't totally out of the closet. He had been out for almost five years, I hadn't. He had had experience dating boys, I hadn't. I was exhilarated but very, very nervous for all the firsts, and Troye saw right through me. He was very slow and thoughtful. He recognized that he was my first relationship with a boy. He was my first date with a boy. My first kiss with a boy. My first sexual experience with a boy. So he made sure I was ready, told me he could wait if I needed it, gave me leeway to adapt to this new and exciting romance...the kind that took me so long to let myself seek. It was that considerate way of holding me in the early days that built a solid base for our relationship.

2. His bond with his family.

One day I want to have a family, and Troye truly is the person with whom I want to have that with. It's not just that I love him, but that he's so family-oriented. The love he has for them is so obvious-the friendships he has with his siblings, the respect and admiration he has for his parents. He puts so much value in these people, I just imagine how it would be if we were married. If we were to create our own little clan like the Mellets have. The only thing that will need convincing is to deny him those nine kids he wants. He looks so beautiful and happy holding babies, but four is still my limit.

3. His love of music.

The first time Troye told me of his dream to be Michael Jackson, I thought it was so cute. But I still waved it off as if he were exaggerating, just wanting to sing and be famous and be like all the popstars. I was just really getting to know him at the time, but after being by his side through the most crazy part of his journey into the music industry, I see now that it's never been about fame. It's about the music. About his passion to write and perform-his pure, inherent love of creating and sharing art. When I see him in the studio, so focussed and invested in his creations-when his face is so alight that I could watch him talk about music forever-when I see him performing, feeling the sounds so wholly through his body that he's completely unaware that he's dancing like he's in Hotline Bling (I sometimes joke that he is the gay demon Drake claimed he was possessed by,) it's so special. I can just feel his rapture in my own heart.

4. His accent.

I think this one is pretty self-explanatory.

5. His confidence.

Anyone can see that Troye is something right out of an aesthetic blog. He wasn't always like that, but as he gets older he adapts to his identity with such strength. I mean, I'm sure there are many guys that could pull off pink glitter jackets and white nail polish, but how many are comfortable enough with themselves to do it and flaunt it? You never realize how refreshing it is to be around someone who is not afraid to be themselves until you've gotten to know them so intimately that you are practically one. And I'm not just talking about the bold-swoon-worthy-fashion choices, but the fact that Troye knows what he wants and how to get it. Whether it be in his career, his schedule, his relationship with his family, friends or me, he articulates himself and acts with his head held high and his heart open. Confidence to the point where it's not arrogant; stuff like that is very hot to me.

6. His habit of wearing my clothes.

At this point I can't even say that Troye borrows my clothes, because it has escalated to the point where he's basically looting my closet piece by piece. If I can't find an article of clothing, I'd bet my bottom dollar that it's in a certain basement room in Perth or a suitcase, somewhere in Europe or the other side of America. I huff about it a little, sure, but as soon as I'm seeing Troye all snuggled up in my sweatshirt or looking cute in my beanie, all that goes away. It feels very intimate to me, knowing that he is wearing my clothing, worn in by my body and full of my cologne-that he has a piece of me always on him. It makes me glad that half my closet is his clothing, and that I can pull on that green Adidas sweatshirt and go to sleep with it smelling like he's beside me.

7. His freckles. His birthmark.

Troye's pretty angelic himself most of the time, so I find that saying, "kissed by the angels," really fitting when it comes to the light little freckles on his face. With our friends there's a lot of squinting and "I don't see any freckles," but when you're right up close...god, they are like a whole sky of stars. Or maybe a better analogy would be that it's like his cute, tan birthmark is a shooting star, and all the freckles follow like the trail. I don't know, I just love it when his face is that close to mine, and I run my thumb over them, and count them, and then lose count because he's so damn beautiful and I just want to kiss his nose and cheeks and those big, pink lips and...fuck, I lost my train of thought there. Moving on.

8. His sense of humour.

A lot of people don't expect this from him-he seems really stoic and cool at first glance-but Troye is so funny. I tell him he has two settings when it comes to that: smart-ass and dad. Sometimes he'll make these little snide or analogical comments in passing, and if you catch them you're guaranteed to laugh your ass off. Half the time they aren't even that funny, but it's just the timing and the way he says it that's so amusing for whatever reason.

Then there's the side of him that he 100% gets from Shaun, who is the king of the suburban-dad-trying-to-be-funny stereotype. Troye will make these dorky puns and do these goofy dances around the apartment, and it's so hilarious. He has the silliest ways of teasing me ("you look like a crouton right now,") and gives me the dopiest little pet names (I'm his coffee-bean, his snuggle-bun, his hedgehog-on the flip side, he's my noodle.) And, now for the principal example, Ricky once asked him if he got his hair cut and he replied "which one?" He's such a goofball, and I'm so easy to amuse, so we kind of fit perfectly in that sense.

9. His constant little touches.

Troye is such an affectionate guy. Every time I'm around him, he just can't keep his hands off me, and him touching me always feels so natural and lovely. Sometimes it's subtle, like he'll put his arm around me when we're talking to somebody, hold my hand while we're walking-even if it's hot and I'm sweaty. Other times, if fans aren't identifiable, he will bring me closer by my waist, holding me close at baggage claim-he'll wrap his arms around me in an art gallery, stroke the back of my neck in a restaurant booth-he will show everyone he loves me, always ending up with his lips to mine. Speaking of which, he is notorious for giving super sweet forehead and cheek kisses when you least expect them, and making it so that you can't help but crumple into a ball of lovesick giggles when he does (though that might just be me.)

10. Him.

Sometimes I think of how likely it was that I would have never met Troye. Little decisions could have changed my whole fate-not moving to LA to further pursue YouTube, not stumbling across his channel in March 2013, not going to VidCon a few days later. And even then, who could have known that I would have ended up falling head over heels with that skinny Australian kid who did fuck-all skits and was shipped with Tyler Oakley? I didn't, he didn't-nobody saw it coming until it was obvious that we were perfect for each other.

And, in the end, I did fall-I fell so, so far in love, and you know why? Not just because he is smart and loving and artistic. Not because he makes me laugh, or because he kisses me so perfectly. Not exclusively because of these other nine points.

I love him because he's Troye, and that person makes me so happy.

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