Raising Tyler

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"What if there was an AU where Tronnor adopts a baby Tyler Oakley?"

- Prompts from @UkrainianChick

Sassy children and family banter coming right up, my friend!

"Dad! You're doing it wrong!" Tyler screeched bluntly, snatching the puzzle piece from Troye's hand. "It doesn't go in that way."

Troye sighed, but tried not to lash out at his seven-year-old son, who placed the piece successfully into the jigsaw puzzle with an I-told-you-so look directed towards his father. The little blonde boy was definitely sassier than most children, and he knew how to push Troye's buttons. The twenty-nine year old was slowly learning to deflect that, but it was a process.

"Be kind, Tyler." Troye managed to scold calmly. "Your tone isn't pleasing me right now."

Tyler shrugged his tiny shoulder like he was tossing hair from it. "Troye, darling." He said, the mature wording sounding weird in his child's voice. "I'm turning eight in a month, which means I'm almost a grown-up. You can't tell me what to do."

Troye pursed his lips to hold back a scoff and a laugh. "Oh really, now?"

Tyler quirked his head like a diva. "Really." He concluded, placing another piece into the puzzle.

Connor walked back into the living room, laying a plate of crackers and cheese on the floor. "I made us some snacks." He said, ruffling Tyler's hair as he sat down. "How's the puzzle coming along, little man."

"Don't touch my hair!" Tyler snapped, swatting Connor's hands away from his head. "Do you know how long it takes me to brush it in the morning? I have to count 100 brushes, or it goes flat like yours!" He poked Connor's flop of hair with distaste, and Troye snorted. Both dads found themselves bubbling with laughter, which only made Tyler more irritable.

"Why are you laughing at me?" He fumed, tears welling in his eyes. "Stop laughing at me."

"Somebody's cranky this morning." Connor joshed, "Here, maybe you'll feel nicer if you eat something."

Tyler scrunched his nose at the crackers. "No."

"Why not, love?" Troye asked, making Tyler a little cheese-and-cracker sandwich to make it seem a little more appetizing.

Tyler waved it away. "Because. These are Daddy's weird organic crackers."

Connor frowned. "I don't see the problem."

"They taste like cardboard, Daddy."

"But they're healthy for you." Connor defended, "Do you know how much salt are in the crackers you like? Why would you want to poison your body like that? Humans are meant to live, and unhealthy food just weakens your life source so much, like..."

"You're such a hippie, GOD. Sometimes I just want candy, okay!" Tyler rolled his eyes and Troye had to use all his strength not to laugh.

"As much as I love your healthy lifestyle, Con..." Troye giggled. "The kid has a point."

"I like kale, so sue me!" Connor raised his hands above his head. "And don't laugh, Troye. It only encourages the little monster." He chuckled, pinching Tyler's cheek.

Tyler flailed his arms to get Connor away from him. "Stop picking at me! I don't like it when you pinch me!"

Connor and Troye smirked at each other impishly. "What if we...TICKLE YOU!" Both dads began tickling Tyler on his neck and under his armpits. It was all in good fun, but Tyler began to scream in agony.

"Stop! No! I don't like it!" He sobbed, tears running down his cheeks. "I-I d-don't like it."

"Sorry, angel." Troye cooed, scooping Tyler into his arms. "You're not in the mood, I get it."

"Nah, he's just a touchy little boy." Connor teased, and Tyler moved his face from Troye's chest to give his dad a dirty look.

"I forgive you Daddy Troye, but..." He pointed a finger at Connor, "....he needs to apologize."

Connor frowned at the genuinely disgusted tone of his son's voice. It was always the same. Troye was clearly Tyler's favorite dad, and Connor tried not to hate that. But it was hard. He just wanted to be a good parent, and the way Tyler glared at him from Troye's embrace made him doubt himself more than ever.

"I'm sorry, Tilly." Connor said softly. "Do you...do you still love me?"

Tyler's eyes widened at his dad's sad voice. Connor was always so jokey and happy, even if he was a little annoying and strict, and hearing him melancholy was weird, even for the seven-year-old. After a slight hesitation he climbed out of Troye's arms and stumbled over to his other dad. Connor received him with shock, but happiness too as he wrapped the little boy in his arms.

"It's okay. I still love you, Daddy." Tyler murmured into his chest.

"Really?" Connor kissed his hair.

Tyler nodded against Connor's chest. "I love you lots."

Connor held the child closer. His child. "I love you too, Tyler."

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