10 Things I Love About Connor (i)

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A/N: This one-shot and its sequel are inspired by the videos 10 Things I Love About Luke and 10 Things I Love About Vinny from YouTubers Luke and Vinny Vaillancourt ('V-Squared' on YouTube.)

1. His breakfasts.

Okay, I'm going to start with a pretty tame one—nothing too toothachy yet. I don't know if it's the fact that his sister is a chef, or if it's his obsession with eggs and guac, but Connor makes the most bomb-ass breakfasts. Egg whites, feta, sourdough: whatever you want, he can figure out how to make it yummy. Half the time it's better than restaurants even; not just because of how it's made, but because there's just something nice about waking up to the smell of your baby's cooking. Also the smell of something that's not burning (namely, the things I try to make for myself when I stay in air BNBs. Oops.)

Also, I think everyone could benefit in having a coffee connoisseur as a boyfriend. Get some of his genius blend at commonculture.co. He just got the subscription service up and running so get going you munchkins!

2. His chattiness.

Everyone always thinks Connor is so shy. That he's a man of few words, although well picked ones. I do see that in him—he's very thoughtful of what he says...definitely not an attention whore—but when he's with me...fuck, he can just talk and talk and talk and talk. About everything and anything at all, really. And I love how he is when he does: his hands fly out, his lip curls up on vowels, his eyes dart all around but always come back to mine. It's so cute how he gets all enthusiastic, and it's like, I love talking with him—we have the most incredible conversations, sometimes lasting all day—but other times I just want to sit and listen. Because his voice is so...captivating, y'know? Animated and gentle and evocative: just like him.

3. His eyes.

Firstly, I know I'm biased but Connor has the most beautiful green eyes I've ever seen, period. Secondly, I say all the time that I'm not a sappy person, but just look how long it took me. A mere two points, and I've already succumbed to the clichés. But I guess the whole "I love his eyes" thing is a cliché just because it's definitely something you notice when you're in love—or at least for me it is. Like, if I'm gone for a long time, and start to get that feeling like I'm forgetting his face...his eyes are the one thing I can always, always picture.

They are the kind of eyes that are unforgettable—they are just so him, if that makes sense. When he's excited or happy or calm, they just light right up, y'know? Like big, beautiful moons or something. Sometimes they look blue or grey in different lightings too, and when he cries they turn this almost alien shade of turquoise. It's so pretty, and I always point that out to comfort him.

4. His adorable clumsiness.

I swear, Connor could find a way to trip on the emptiness, flattest floor in the world, he's such a klutz. There was this one time I was doing a radio interview with Elvis Duran, and he called Connor over. Connor full-on tripped on the landing and fell into the room—graceful, right? Elvis made fun of him on live radio—it was quite funny—and his face went super, super red, he was so embarrassed. But I couldn't stop smiling. It's just...things like that—those little quirks about him—I find so, so fucking lovable.

5. His affectionateness. His gentleness.

I was going through my dash on Tumblr the other day, and saw that Connor reblogged this sappy little post. I think it said something along the lines of "out of all the things my hands have held, you are by far the best—" and, from the way he touches me, he makes me feel like that's really true. His hugs are full-on and warm and hearty—like, he just wraps you all up, he's that damn cuddly. He likes to just randomly touch my shoulders and my sides, run his fingers through my hair, and—as fucking corny as it sounds—wipe my tears away when I'm sad. (Not-so) secretly, I like that a lot.

And whenever he is affectionate like that, whether it's sexual or just like, teddy-bear-y, he's so, so gentle. Every little touch—every kiss, even the hot, racy ones—he's impossibly loving and amazingly tender with me. It feels like he loves me, and that's more powerful than anything he could ever say.

6. His open-mindedness.

Connor is so accepting. Of all genders, races, sexualities, religions, etc. But it goes past just his natural want of equality and world-wide love, because he's genuinely interested too. He loves people-watching. He studies people, wants to know life stories and opinions. He wants to learn about things from the perspective of a homeless man just as much as he would from a neurosurgeon. He wants to be able to build an understanding on the whole entire world and everything that ties us all together. He has this wide-eyed outlook on humankind, and it is such a pleasure to know—and love—somebody who sees society with that kind of perception and in that much colour.

7. His drive. His passion.

Even though he is learning how to take a moment, slow down and relax, Connor has the most brilliant work ethic I've seen. He is a perfectionist and oftentimes puts massive expectations on himself, but as time goes by I can see he's getting better and better at looking at all the good he's done and being satisfied and proud. And he really should be; he works his ass off, and that's obvious to anyone. He puts so much thought and love into Common Culture, so much innovation and passion into Heard Well. He's kicked ass with the Thirst Project, the AI competition, his YouTube channel, and a literal shit-ton more. He puts so much of himself into his work that he leaves his unique print on every project, and that constantly inspires me to do the same with my creative and professional endeavours.

8. His positivity.

There was a time in Connor's life where he was so not happy. You could tell, because all of a sudden this beam of light of a person just...shut off. He couldn't even fake it anymore. I barely knew him at the time, but even I was just baffled by the difference in him. But then he came out, and we started dating, and all these things started falling into place for him—he tells me he's the happiest he's ever been, and it really does show. Now that he's himself again, he's the kind of person who will walk down the street and you'll feel positivity rolling off of him—that smile is just something else, y'know? And when I'm feeling sad or lonely, like when I'm on the road or in Australia—a literal world away from him—I'll call him up and even his voice just instantly makes me feel better. He's my ray of sunshine.

9. The inspiration he gives me.

Connor builds me up in so many ways. He inspires me with his passion, his creativity and his intelligence. He engages me in conversation that keeps my mind fresh and growing. Sometimes he's my muse, other times he's my mentor, and he's always my partner in crime. By knowing him and being around him, I'm motivated to take those important risks in life.

On the other side of things, it's not always just Connor being himself that inspires me. It's his support too. Whether it's a text or a tweet or a long, heartfelt in-person situation, he always lifts me up when I'm due to do something monumental and/or nerve-wracking. He promotes me. He brags about me. He is proud of me. He tells me I'm a superstar. Nothing could be more goading.

10. His love.

There's a reason that the songs I write about Connor are the only ones that aren't inherently heartbreaking. It's because, even if he does end up breaking my heart, being with him is still the most extraordinary, amazing experience. He is the most extraordinary, amazing man, and I feel so incredibly blessed that he loves me. Because, with the crazy immense love I have for him, reciprocation feels like I've won the highest lottery in the world. He is my best friend, and the love of my life, and these are only ten reasons why that is. In reality, the list is too long to verbalize....and it just keeps on growing.

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