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A/N: thanks to @that_trumpet_player for the prompt. I found this weirdly difficult to write, but I hope I did it justice, love!

"Oh my God, what if this turns out horribly?" Connor's jaw moved his palm up and down as he spoke, his chin cupped in his hand, his elbow propped against the car door. He stared pensively out the window as Troye pulled the car out of the airport parking lot. The building and it's arms of runways, pimpled with aircrafts, morphed into the Australian countryside, and Connor couldn't stop thinking about that big house in Perth. Troye's house, which he felt strangely nervous to be acquainted with. "What if they don't like me in person?" He pondered.

Troye, who couldn't stop smiling since helping his boyfriend lug his suitcase off the baggage conveyor, laughed a little. "Don't be silly, babe." He reassured, just so giddy that he was finally bringing Connor home. "My mum already considers you her son, for Christ's sake."

Connor nodded, smiling to himself as Troye gripped his hand tightly. He was right; Connor was a soon-to-be Mellet. Was there an engagement ring thrown into the mix? Had Connor ever talked to any of the Mellets in any other way than Skype? No but, as far as Troye's parents were concerned, their son's boyfriend was already melded into the family. They absolutely adored him, and didn't bother to suppress it.

"What day is it?" Connor asked distantly.

Troye ran his thumb gently over Connor's knuckles. "Friday." He replied easily.

Connor nodded, turning down the radio a little so they could have a conversation. "Isn't there a Jewish tradition you guys have on Fridays?" He asked. "Caspar mentioned something along the lines of a special Friday night dinner?" He gulped, imagining making a complete, offensive, uneducated fool of himself in front of Troye's family. "Should I be prepared?"

"It's called Shabbat dinner." Troye answered, his smile twitching up softly. Sharing his culture with Connor was one thing he couldn't wait for. "It's tradition, but you don't have to be too worried. Mum and Dad always invite non-Jewish people over for it, and they'll explain everything to you as we go."

"Oh, okay." Connor gulped. "What do I wear?"

Troye laughed at Connor's breathy nervousness. "It's not like, a huge ceremonial thing or anything. It's more of a nice, family dinner, plus a bunch of blessings and little traditional things."

Connor nodded to himself. "So something nice. Maybe a blazer?"

"Sure." Troye smiled endearingly. "A blazer would be fine."


At sundown, the Mellets and Connor stood around the dining table. Connor had decided not to wear a blazer, noticing that Troye, Steele, Tyde and Shaun were just wearing nice shirts and jeans. And he was glad for that, because he felt like he was sweating. Ew, what's wrong with me?

It's not like he had anything to worry about anymore. He'd gotten there hours ago, and all the Mellets--Shaun, Laurelle, Steele, Sage, Tyde--were so hospitable towards him. Not to mention loving, as he could still kind of feel each of their extra-tight hugs on his ribs. 

But he felt so worried still. Looking at the two giant candles on the table, he thought about how important these traditions were to Troye's family, and he nearly threw up thinking about messing something up. He felt like he should've educated himself prior. That he might be offensive somehow. That everybody's love for him would shed away and they'd think he was some uncultured swine.

Laurelle noticed how tight his smile was, and smiled encouragingly with a matchbox in her hand. "So, Connor. I reckon this is your first Shabbat dinner."

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