The Night Of (The Morning After)

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Connor couldn't believe his luck. There he was, after a date with human paradise, knuckles innocently brushing his as they walked back to his apartment. Already, even though he hadn't even left his side yet, Connor couldn't get Troye off of his mind. This incredibly cute human, who chose a circular booth just so he could sit close to Connor; this perfectly laidback gentleman, who could make a run-down sushi place an inexplicably special first date; that stroke of providence, tying a red string to their respective wrists and pulling them together at the art gallery that morning, where Troye just couldn't keep from striking up a conversation.

Connor could already feel his immediate future, if not his entire future, reacting to this, and it was chemical and explosive. He started thinking about seeing this stranger tomorrow, about introducing him to his parents, about mooning over him with his friends and his sister. He nearly laughed at himself, because they weren't even boyfriends yet, technically. That was a vague question he was about to pose, until he got sidetracked by the near perfection Troye was in the glow of the California sunset.

"It's so pretty here." Troye said wistfully, pressing his shoulder to Connor's as he leaned over to get a better view of the sky. "I'm surprised I didn't visit here earlier."

Connor nodded. "It is beautiful. The sunsets never fail to amaze me."

"Yeah, they are amazing." Troye smiled into the distance, then directed it right back at Connor, showering him with a soft feeling of amorous serenity. It warmed him more than the setting sun, and there were suddenly fingers slotted between his. Connor grinned at the boy next to him, because his touch made all tension evaporate.

He stopped them in front of his building. "This is me." He said broodingly, not really inclined to leave Troye's company just yet. Troye hummed a reply, looking up and down the side of the building. He was still holding Connor's hand, running his thumb back and forth as if to a metronome beat. Connor was soothed into bliss as the day became dimmer, one blinding ray of light making Troye's eyes shine a powerful, shallow-sea blue.

They saw into each other's eyes, and it was nice and quiet and purely heavenly. Connor knew in his heart what he wanted most at that moment, and he felt like it'd be detrimental if he didn't go for it. So he moved a step closer, and Troye didn't even flinch as his jaw was cradled in Connor's hands. Connor's lips pushing thoughtfully against his, he only closed his eyes and wrapped Connor in his arms, opening his mouth until the simple kiss grew to a grand transfer of mutual wonder.

"Thank you." He said as they broke off. "I've been wanting that all night."

Connor grinned, pecking his lips gently. "My pleasure." He surged in to kiss again, this time trying to consciously become familiar with the lustful side of this person. His hands moved from his face to his shoulders and, slowly, down to his hands and, in this, he realized that he'd never be able to stop searching once he started. "Come inside?" He breathed into Troye's ear, soft and aphrodisiacal.

Troye grinned excitedly, suddenly giddy like a child in a toy store. "Oh, of course." He rushed in a silly, flirtatious manner. He leaned back, tugging happily on Connor's hands. "Let's go. Quick!"

Hand-in-hand, they entered the building together and nearly ran down the halls to Connor's apartment. They couldn't keep their hands off each other, and Troye touched Connor all over and kissed his neck as he shoved his key into the lock violently, eagerly. They stumbled inside with their mouths sliding messily against each other's, laughing so hard they could barely breathe.

Slamming the door and tripping over each other, into the bedroom, they grabbed hold of the other's body at the elbows and arms and hands and mouths. Connor shut the curtain hung between his room and the rest of the apartment, and they commenced to fall in a pile on the bed. They didn't talk--stopped laughing even--because Connor's fingers snapped the waistband of Troye's briefs as Troye's palms pressed against Connor's bare stomach. They moved up, up, up, and brought alive a groaning tug just below Connor's navel.

He lifted his hands, lifting the hem of Connor's sweater with it, and pulled the clothing gracelessly over his head. It got stuck, and they giggled, then they freed him and quietly tangled their fingers in more and more clothing. Soon, after everything was off--including the lights, but not including the condoms--Open by Rhye began to play on the softly static radio.

I'm a fool for the shake in your thighs,

I'm a fool for the sound of your sighs,

I'm a fool for your belly,

I'm a fool for your love.

Though nothing under those covered felt foolish.


Troye's head resting on his chest, Connor tried to catch his breath. Once he had, he'd remember what had just happened, and become winded once more. The spark just refused to die, and Connor knew that, though however tired he may be, he would not be sleeping. Troye, however, was drifting away, his hand limp in its spot on Connor's waist. It was smile inducing. Fun, brilliantly precious and so daring, this epitome of excellence seemed to be increasingly his now. Not just some guy anymore, but his guy. It seemed so unreal.

"Where the hell did you come from?" Connor laughed quietly. He couldn't figure it out, how he'd hit this feeling before his life was even close to its summit. But it wasn't the time to be pensive, because he felt Troye breathe a sigh onto his bare skin, and all he wanted to do was hold him. So he did, closing his eyes and unwinding with a closing thought.

Life changed a little today. For the better.

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