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Rosa's P.O.V:

It was the same old days, same old times, same old birthdays. Stealing to survive, cause mischief without getting caught, and no luck of finding any of my kind, just humans everywhere.

No other magical or nonmagical mythical creatures of day or night so far. Wait, what am I saying!? Ha! I'm one too. Well, half of two, in fact.

Nobody knows of my kind's existence, Nor the couple, Emma & Otto, that owns the castle hotel I've lived in for 3 years, In Germany.

It's so boring, being the only kid around, Even though I've been 13 for 300 years, Like with Vampires and their age difference. Though the old couple here are scared of them, To make sure none try and get them. What with the antique crosses and tons of garlic hanging around the whole hotel, except my room.

They said they'd be back in a bit, saying they heard noise from the Graveyard. I took a nap, till I started to dream, or more so, had my soul wondered in the woods.

Till I felt a disturbance, I spotted a fat metal plane chasing something. No, They are Vampires! Whoever is flying that plane is gonna murder them! luckily my other powers from my mother came in handy.

Focusing my aura and magic, I now control the crows, bats, and ravens. "I command you to help the Vampires, and distract the crazy man planning to murder them!" I shouted a command, They obeyed and swarmed to attack the plane, while a small group guides the Vampires to escape.

But one stays behind to help the birds and bats distract the one flying the plane.

I smile at his courage, And relieved, for his family escapes, I called off the birds from attacking, and instead help the Vampire get away, and block their sight. And it worked, The plane retreated from crashing and lost it in the sky.

And I could clearly see the brave Vampire now in the forest, He's my age, Paled blue-ish -mostly grey- skin, and bright red eyes, His black hair was spiked up. His clothes were all black, with some spikes on his jacket and cape shoulderpads, with blue lining.

Rudolph's P.O.V:

Geez, This has been one crazy night for my two-days-away birthday.

First, I saved my big brother, Gregory, from getting caught and killed by Rookery, the Vampire hunter. Second, Only my parents, My sister, Anna, and Aunt Wulftrud and Uncle Gernot, And I escaped his escape-proof steel net blocking the catacomb's way out, But my aunt Ashley, Gregory, and the rest of my clan are trapped!

And third, during our fly around, escaping from Rookery in a plane, A swarm of crows, Ravens, and bats showed up!

They were helping us all get away, while I stayed to buy them time. I lost Rookery and his associate, Maney, for now.

But I have to know what made those birds and bats help us. Till I saw something I've never seen before, a beautiful one at that, floating & glowing, with the birds and bats, bowing.

The Pixie's little Vampire (Rudolph x OC)Where stories live. Discover now