Home sweet home

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Third person's P.O.V:

Rosa knocks on the door, Slowly changing to being human. Till the door opened revealing the German couple of the Bed and Breakfast castle, as they see the young girl with Tony.

"Oh! Rosa dear! You're alright!" Ms. Emma smiled and quickly hugs her. "We were very worried vhen you and Mr. Tony Thompson disappeared! We thought we lost you!" Mr. Otto explained in relief as he joined the hug.

"Well, There's nothing to fear now. She's safe. And a tough girl at that." Tony reassures them, and compliments the last part to me.

"And... I haven't been completely honest with you two. And I'm really sorry." Rosa says, as the german couple let go of the hug, looking at the girl concerned and confused.

"I'm... Not actually human. I'm a halfbreed, A pixie and a fallen angel." She says, as she slowly transforms back, earning gasp of surprised from the couple.

"The princess." Mr. Otto whispered. "Lady Emelina and Lord Alexander's little blessing." Ms. Emma says, Which shocked Tony and Rosa.

"You know my parents!?" She asked in shock. "Our families are indebted to your dear parents many years ago." Mr. Otto says, "They've also saved my mother and grandmother when I was just a little one." Ms. Emma smiled.

"Wow, My darling. Even mortals are worshipping your parents." Rudolph spoke still in his hiding spot above them, startling the couple.

"Who vas zhat!?" Ms. Emma panicked looking around. "It's okay, Ms. Emma. That was my mate, He, his family, and the clan won't harm any of us." Rosa reassures.

"Y-y-y-Your mate!?" The couple gasped in shock, Then notice the bloodstone she always wears isn't on her.

"Oh! Of course, Zhe Pixie story of love! Zhe Bloodstone is like her heart, and gives it to zhe one she loves." Ms. Emma smiled, "Ah, Yes! You've always loved zhe stories of zhe beautiful creatures zince childhood, My love." Mr. Otto smiled.

Ms. Emma chuckled bashfully with her cheeks dusted pink, "Stop it, My darling." She says, waving her hand dismissively.

As Tony and Rosa chuckle, "Well, There's one more thing. He's here, along many new guests." She says, as Ruldoph floats upside down while smiling between Rosa and Tony causing the couple to jump back.

"Hello." Rudolph says. "Zhe little..." Ms. Emma says, "Vampire." Mr. Otto finishes, yet they seem calm about this.

"And family." Rudolph says he lands, While his family begins to land. "Oh!" The couple jumped, surprised.

"Ms. Emma, Mr. Otto, Are you two okay? I thought seeing my mate and his family would've made you both faint from fear." Rosa says, startling to feel concerned and very confused.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20 ⏰

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