Chapter 5

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[Tuesday, 15th November 2022 - 11:32 a.m.]

Two days ago, I had to spend my night at the town inn since Argo was kind of keeping an eye on me to make sure I didn't go buying the field boss info from somebody else or going to the field boss myself. I wouldn't want to have an eye on me the whole night I'm out grinding so I decided to stay at town inn.

But she was kind enough to trust me that I won't be doing that the next day so now I'm back to staying the night out. I had cleared some of the quests I had accepted from the nearby town and is still grinding for my last fetch quest.

For now, I decided that I could trust Argo's infos since these quest really did gave me rewarding items. They're not like some rare items of some sprt but they're those items that you couldn't usually afford to buy much at NPC store.

*slash* *stab* *slash* - *shatter* - *ding*

I clenched my fist and whispered 'nice' as I saw the drop item includes the last drop I need to complete my last fetch quest. Now I just have to return back to the town and receive my rewards.

I slide open my menu and checked the map data. Having coordinated my destination, I started walking towards the town. It'll my first time stepping into town since Monday morning. Sounds short, but it's quite a while for me who had been out on the field for two days straight now.

*time-skip until you reach town*

After I interacted with the quest giver and received my rewards, I went to my usual back-to-town-routine which includes restocking my potions and food items, maintaining and upgrading my weapon and selling useless stuff in my inventory.

Finally done with everything I should be doing, I started my walk on going back to field. But when I reached the town entrance, I saw a player clad black walking into it with face down and fingers clicking on air, probably checking his menus.

Wait, that's the goth boy, right? I should get outta here before he sees me then.

But obviously, I failed. Argo suddenly appeared in front of me as if she was waiting to surprise me.

"What'cha lookin' at? Is there somethin' wrong with black guy?"

"...Stop sneaking up on me if you value your life. Or money."

"Oho~? What're ya gon' do? PK me? Ya know that's like a murder in this game, dont'cha? And plus, I'm yer valuable information source! Nyahaha!"

If only what she said was wrong, I could've long PK-ed her. She kept getting on my nerves every single dang time I see her. One day, I'm gonna surpass her agility stat and become the one that'll sneak up on her.

That aside...

"I've done my quest here, will you get outta my way to the field?"

"Ohh not just yet. Since yer tryna get field boss info from me 'ast time, I got some good ones I can tell ya."

"Why's the change of mind?"

"That black guy? He's Kirito, a strong soloer I trusted like ya. He's here for that info too. I s'pose if ya team up for a day or two grind, ya can beat the boss just fine now."

Having heard that, I turned my head to where the goth b- I mean Kirito was and found him looking at us. He seems to be looking curiously at me though. Maybe he doesn't remember me? That's good to know then.

"Argo? So...about the info–"

"Yep! I've scouted it a bit and they're indeed the same as the beta. Ya can handle it since ya fought it before."

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