Chapter 11

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[Wednesday, 14th December 2022 - 02:53 p.m.]

It had only been a few days since the labyrinth was opened and they already had mapped out the whole twenty level and discovered the boss lair too. Of course, I had completed the map first before any of them, probably, because I spent all day and night here without even returning to town.

Today is the day they would be raiding the boss. And so I decided to leave them be.

I escaped the labyrinth in the early morning after I had received the message from Argo about them raiding the boss today and went back to the village of Marome to meet up with Argo.

After she got me the info on the field boss the other day, we've gotten on better condition but that doesn't mean we speak to each other a lot. Our relationship is basically just a business one.

"(U/N), I've been meaning ta ask ya." Argo started as she picked up the scroll which contains data of the treasure location in the labyrinth. "Why do ya want ta beat the field boss solo while skippin' floor boss?"

"..." I stayed silent for a while as I eat a simple black bread that costed me 10 Col. Argo also stayed silent, waiting for my answer without any pressure.

I gulped down the bit of bread I've been chewing on and parted my lips, "It's just my play style." I gave her a simple answer and she just nods.

"So anyways, about the stuff I talked about..."

"Ah, far as we beta testers got in the beta, there are a buncha' treasure box that are equipped with trap function even in the lower floors. Though not many are as dangerous'. But the data I've obtained so far doesn't even match the ones from the beta so I think maybe the traps are random. It depends on yer luck, I guess." Argo closed up her menu and leaned on the bench I'm sitting on from behind.

"I don't recommend the weapon throwin' skill though. It's quite hard ta find any throwables in the lower floors. And it's hard to use too, considerin' ya have ta learn the distance 'tween ya and the 'nemies. The accuracy things, too... Even in the beta test, there was only a plentiful number o' players who use that skill. The trap disarmin' skill would be useful if yer a treasure hunter, yes, but I don't think someone like ya would be one."

"Any skills you can recommend, then?" I asked, my black bread all eaten now as I materialize a canteen of water and sip from it.

"Hmm, that's a complicated question. It really depends on yerself. If ya want ta use the weapon throwin' skill, there are buncha' throwin' knives ya can buy back in Town o' Beginnings but those are cheapskates that have very low attack power that can barely do a scratch on monsters up 'ere."

"...okay. Thanks for the info then." I said, standing up and ready to leave before Argo coughed for attention.

"I think I deserve better pay fer these, hm?" She said, grinning ear to ear. I look at her in disgust but opened the trade window regardless and transfered to her ten-thousand Col which I don't really use anyway.

Argo jumped in shock, as if not expecting that much. "Woah, t'is a large 'mount alright. I probably wouldn't charge you for two or three more infos." She said with another cheeky grin.

I spared no more attention to her and ready to head back to dungeon diving but then remembered the labyrinth is about to be raided currently. I sighed and turned around.

"Argo, give me some dungeon data." I asked exasperatedly.

"That's quick, eh. Wait just a min'." Argo swiped open her menu, clicked here and there and give me a small old book—very medieval style—before winking at me and jumped off somewhere I don't give a shit about. I opened the book and found tons of floor data on it.

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