Introduction! 🥦

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(Just a quick introduction of this AU especially about Izuku). 🐇

Izuku was born with a bunny quirk.
He has bunny ears, a bunny tail, and some fur on his thighs and on his puffy cheeks. He can change his form to a bunny, and it allows him to keep his consciousness and can talk too. His quirk is more adapted to rescue people and protect himself from attacks.
His goal is to protect the innocents first while the others fight the villains and keep a smile to reassure them.
He has an incredible strength in both forms: in the human one it allows him to throw powerful kicks and punches; in the animal one it allows him to rescue more easily. Even though he doesn't use his attacks, since it doesn't fit his style and only uses them when strictly needed.

Quirk limits 🐇
If he uses his quirk too much, (especially if he stays in his human form for too long) he will turn into his bunny form without being conscious for a while, so basically a common rabbit. The more he uses his quirk, the more time he will have to stay in his bunny form.
To regenerate his energy, he has to sleep.

His bunny characteristics 🐇
Thanks to his quirk, he shares the same characteristics as bunnies:

-He's very social, and needs to be in company all the time because spending too much time alone will cause him to feel sad, depressed and unmotivated.

-He has a better vision and hearing.

-Even if he looks calm and in a good mood, he doesn't like to be touched, picked up, patted if not by his partner.

-You’ll know he's excited because of the random happy hops in the air, twist of the body, and kicking his feet, ears twitching.

-He's mostly active at dusk and dawn and especially at night. At other times, he loves to take a nap anywhere but he will never sleep in class, no matter how tired he is.

-Even if it looks pretty, his fur is always messy and full of knots, because he's too lazy to brush it and even if he wanted to, he always forgets in the end.

-He always sleeps in his bunny form. It makes him feel more safe and he's more comfortable in it.

-He may look little, but he actually eats A LOT. His favourite food is still Katsudon but he has a strong sweet tooth, he would devour anything that contains sugar. Katsuki knows about it and has to keep him controlled, because if he wasn't there Izuku would be capable to eat sweets even for dinner.

-Hero costume 🥦
He specifically asked for a costume not too uncomfortable to move in and easy to run with and this is what they came up with, and Izuku LOVED IT. He really likes the fur on his neck, it keeps him warm. He kept the hoodie his mom designed to cover his ears when it's cold. His hero costume is clearly inspired by his favourite hero, Miruko.

(Used a base, the art is mine tho^^)

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(Used a base, the art is mine tho^^)

A/N (Author note🍒)
I think that's all, this is the basic information you need to know for now. Izuku's personality and everything else i didn't mention won't change, unless I mention it.
Have a good day!!

Bunny Deku Quirk AU!/ bkdk /💥🥦/ 🐇🐺Where stories live. Discover now