1. First day of school🥦

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*Third person's POV*

It was the first day of highschool. After passing the exam, the green haired bunny was heading to the school of his dreams: UA. Since he was little he always wanted to attend to the best Hero school in Japan. Even if his quirk wasn't that useful as a lot of people told him,surprisingly he still got into a hero training class.
He was extremely happy when he got the letter of ammission that day, and he was so excited for this day.
His mother, an old lady with the same hair color as him, smiled sweetly while looking at him squinting and jumping around in excitement.
-"Izu, I know this is an important day for you but please calm a little down, you're going to break the floor with your jumping!" Inko said.
-"I'm sorry mom I'm so excited I can't control...I mean, it doesn't happen everyday!" said Izuku while putting on his shoes.
-It's okay...I know you're grown up but please, be careful! Always make sure to contact me for everything and call me from time to time, promise me!" she said with a worried expression.
-I know mom, I promise you I will!" said the boy giving her a kiss on the cheek to reassure her.
-But even if you're careful...what do you know? There could be a villain attack and you could get hurt! Or-Or maybe trip, and fall, and then injure yourself and t-then BLOOD!-"
The boy hugged her to calm her down. "Calm down, mom! Even if a villain shows up, I'm pretty confident in my skills, I will give them a taste of my kicks!" said the boy showing his best smile and pointing at his legs.
-You're right...I shouldn't worry too much. Alright, just promise me you'll come visit me from time to time!" said the mother with a bossy tone.
-Of course I will! I will try to come by at least in the weekend." said Izuku while picking up his backpack.
-"Alr- Oh my, look at the time! Hurry up Izu or you will be late on your first day!!" said the woman after glancing at the clock.
Izuku saw the time, put on his jacket and after saying bye to his mom with a quick wave, he rushed out of the house and started running.
Fortunately, having a quirk like his has his own advantages. For example, in these kind of situations he can easily run faster than normal to save time. And he started to do so.
He was almost at the school gate when he suddenly bumped against something and fell.
He rubbed his head in pain and looked up.
Standing before him, there was a blonde guy.
He turned around with a murderous look on his face and looked down at him. It was like his red eyes were burning flames.
-"Watch where you're going, freckles!" said the blonde with an annoyed tone.
<Ok, it was early in the morning, someone just bumped into you but do you have to be so rude??> trought Izuku while getting up and rubbing the dust off his clothes.
-"I-I'm sorry, I'll be careful next time!" said Izuku trying to push down his troughts. After all, he had his mood swings too.
-"There better NOT be a next time. I don't want a fucking rabbit to bump into me another time!"
<A fucking...WHAT?!>
-"I'm sorry, what did you just call me?" said Izuku with a smile, while he was tapping his feet on the ground repetitively from the anger.
-"A fucking rabbit!" said the blonde, almost in a mocking tone while noticing the angry feet tapping on the ground. "A fucking angry rabbit, I must say"
-"And this fucking rabbit will kick your face in 3 seconds if you keep calling me like that" said Izuku while his eye twiched trying to control his anger.
-Sure, whatever shortie. Judging from your uniform you must be a student here, aren't you?"
-"I am! That makes me guess you are too. Are we in the same class, perhaps?"
-And how the heck would I know that, freckles? Just pray that you don't get in my way, or you'll get crushed on the way!" said the boy showing a little explosion on the palm of his hand.
-"Whatever! What's your name? I'm Izuku Midoriya!"
-"...Name's Katsuki Bakugo or whatever I guess...Just make sure to remember well the name of your worst nightmare, freckles!" said the blonde guy while laughing in satisfaction.
-"If you yell again I'll be sure to cut your neck" said Izuku while rubbing his ears. He had a good hearing, but he was very sensible to loud noises. And that blondie was starting to get on his nerves. Is yelling all he can do?!
-"Do you have a problem with it or something?!" He started to yell even louder.
-I DON'T BUT MY POOR EARS DOO! SHUT THE HELL UP!!" screamed the green haired bunny.
The blonde guy was interrupted by a sudden kick on his stomach. It wasn't that strong, but it was enough to make him shut up.
-"What the hell is your problem?!" said Bakugo laying on the ground. This time, he lowered his voice a bit.
-"No, what's YOURS! If I say your yelling makes my ears hurt, what makes you think yelling louder would make me do? give you a hug? Just be lucky it wasn't on your face!" scolded the bunny while keeping a hand on his ear, clearly uncomfortable because of earlier. On the other part, the kick may have been a bit too strong, since Bakugo kept on coughing and kept pressing on his stomach.
-Well, I guess we have to see a nurse before entering class...sorry, does it hurt that much?" said the bunny while helping the blonde to stand up.
-"It's fine...do your ears hurt that much?" said Bakugo.
-Hmm...a bit, but I think it will get better with some rest. I hope my kick doesn't leave a bruise...I'm sorry I hardly use my kicks and I may have went too far because I can't control my strength yet..."
-"Then make sure to do something about here...*cough*"
-I will!" said Izuku giving him a big smile.


They both went to the nursery, where there was a little old lady in a nurse uniform.
-"Oh, hell-" she said.
-"Omg?? Are you really Recovery girl?! It's such an honour to meet you! I'm a big fan of yours!" said the bunny while taking out his notebook.
-Oi, you nerd! Let the old woman do her job, you can save your sh!tty hobbies for later." Said Bakugo while snatching his notebook and putting it back again in Izuku's backpack.
-"Oh my...aren't you two students? What are you two doing here! You should be in class!" said the nurse.
-O-Oh...well my ears feel a bit hurt because...uhm...there was a lot of noise outside and they're very sensible..." said Izuku while sitting down on a bed.
"Mhh..Ok, and what about you?" she said while showing him where to sit.
"I got punched in the stomach...please don't ask just do your job." said Bakugo sitting on the bed in front of Izuku.
-"Kids these days...always getting in trouble and then we adults have to clean up their mess...Well, I'm going to treat you, but after this hurry up and head to class. There's only 5 minutes left."
After the boys nodded, she started treating them with her quirk and then sent them to class, but not after Izuku got his autograph.

They both entered the classroom.

Bunny Deku Quirk AU!/ bkdk /💥🥦/ 🐇🐺Where stories live. Discover now