3. Class 1A's training! 💥

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As they arrived to the training area behind the school, Aizawa turned around to face them.
-"Well, I'll make it short. I want each of you to come here in turn and show everyone their quirk and some fight techniques. Then, we'll pick pairs and you're going to fight. Remember that you can't injure yourself badly, you just have to put your "enemy" in no condition to fight anymore. like blocking them or idk."
-"I have a question!" said the black haired girl.
-"Make it quick."
-"Can we block them with our quirk or make them faint for example?"
-"You can block them but don't exagerate too much, the maximum you can do is make them faint. Don't cause too much trouble."
The class nodded and then Aizawa picked up a list.
-"Okay so we'll go in alphabet order. The first one will be Yuga Aoyama."
After he said that, a blonde haired guy with a weird smile came forward. He then showed his quirk and got back to where he was before, after getting praises.
While waiting for his turn, Izuku sat up and took his notebook, starting to write and analyze everyone's quirk and moves. Ochako and the pink haired girl seated next to him, after hearing him mutter.
-"What are you doing Izuku?" Ochako asked, in a curious tone. She liked attentive people and found Izuku a very interesting person even if she knew him only for some hours.
-Nothing, I'm just analyzing your quirks! I want to help you with your tecnhiques and it kinda became an habit! Please tell me if you feel uncomfortable with me doing this!" said Izuku. Even if he did it with good intention, other people seemed to feel uncomfortable and weirded out by it, so he tried his best to act more "normal".
-Naah! It's totally fine, go ahead! No one ever showed interest in my quirk so I'm curious to know what you will write about me! By the way, my name is Mina Ashido, just call me Mina"
-"I don't mind it either, instead I find it very useful!" Ochako said showing him a thumb up.
-"Nice to meet you, Mina! And thank you, I'll work hard and do my best to analyze your quirks in the best way!" said izuku while looking at the other pages.
Ochako couldn't refrain herself to take a peek into his pages, and while being amazed by his skills, she asked.
-"Woaah, you seem to really like heroes! Do you have someone you admire the most?"
-"I'm glad you noticed!! And yes, my favourite one is Miruko! She fits the idea of a hero who saves everyone and always shows a smile to reassure everyone! She's the one who inspired me to becoming a hero. " Woah! I heard a lot about her and she's so famous! She looks so pretty!!" Said Mina.
-"Yeah she does! I like her too.But my favourite one is Ryukyu" said Ochako.
-"Oh! I like her too, but my favourite is Midnight for sure!"
-"They're both good heroes, and I think I may have some notes about them somewhere. Would you like to see them?" said izuku.
-"ARE WE ALLOWED TO??" said Mina.
-"Well, of course since you both like them."
-"That would be sooo nice! Let's look at it together if you don't mind then!" said Ochako.
-"Of course!" Said Izuku while keeping an eye at the other students and taking notes. The three of them kept chatting about heroes and Izuku's notes.
-"What are you three talking about? Mind if I join in?" Said a blonde haired guy with freckles and a black lighting sign on his hair.
-"Of course not, Kaminari!" said Ochako.
-"We were talking about heroes and Izuku was showing us his notes about the class's quirks!"
-"Man, that's so cool! Then will you make some about me? By the way I'm Kaminari Denki, just call me Denki."
-"Of course, if you don't mind!" said Izuku feeling frustrated at the attention he was receiving while other students joined in too.
-"Will you make some about me too?? I'm Kirishima Eijirou by the way" said a red haired man who poked out from behind Denki.
-"Of course! Nice to meet you!" said Izuku.

*Skip time*
As the majority of class showed their quirks, it was now Izuku's turn. He put down his notebook and stood up, walking towards Aizawa.
-"Well I already explained my quirk, so there won't be too much to say. I'm pretty agile, I have a better eyesight and hearing, my kicks are powerful so that's why I always fight with my legs mostly. I can turn into my bunny form too, and I would use it to rescue people while treating them if they're injured. In my hero costume I designed a portable first aid kit."
He said. Around him there were some mannequins, which his classmates used to use their quirk on before him. So he grabbed one and put it in front of him.
He took some steps behind, and took a deep breath. Then he went towards the mannequin and threw a powerful kick, strong enough to break it's head and throw it really far. He then threw another pair of kicks in a inhuman speed and the mannequin fell on the ground.
-"Well, that's impressive I must say. Did you use to train before?" said Aizawa.
-"Well, a bit! I actually know a bit of martial art, since I realized my quirk is made from this type of fighting, so yes! I'm still learning to regulate my own strength tho."
"...I noticed" said Aizawa while looking at the broken mannequin sighing. They don't pay him enough for this.
-"IZUKU!! CAN YOU SHOW US YOUR BUNNY FORM??!" yelled Ashido from the crowd.
-"Uh...well..." said Izuku trying to find an excuse to not do it.
-"Please don't be shy!! we're not forcing you!" said Ochako.
-"Well...the fact is that while I can turn into a bunny, it's kinda troublesome when I turn into my human form again since i...uhm.." said Izuku while blushing and covering his face with his ears.
-You...?" asked Aizawa after fixing the mannequin.
-"Well my clothes don't materialize when i turn back in my human form, so it would be kinda embarassing..."
-"...Oh." said the class while blushing a bit in embarrassment. Aizawa just sighed.
-"Well, we'll try to use a special material for your hero costume so you won't have to meet this kind of problem in the future." Said Aizawa.
-"That would make things a lot more easier, thank you Aizawa-sensei!" said Izuku smiling.
-"Well, who's next?" he said while Izuku went back to his seat near Ochako and Mina.
-"You were so cool before, Izuku!" said Ochako showing her thumb up in approbation.
-"I agree! I look forward to be in a team with you." said Mina.
-"Thank you, I appreciate that, but you two were very cool as well! I even made some notes about you, here." Said Izuku while handing them some pages with notes about their quirks, possible attacks, fighting style, ideas and things like that. The two of them were speechless for the amount of things he wrote in just a bunch of minutes but at the same time they were thankful and kept the notes thanking them.
-"Well, next one is Bakugo Katsuki. Please come forward and show your quirk."
-"Tch. I don't need to prove myself to anyone but I'll just do so you all will know who you're going to mess with!" said Bakugo while getting up and coming forward.
He started punching the mannequin with a inexplicable violence, making the class shiver in fear and Aizawa sigh in anger.
The class was speechless and Aizawa was questioning how to get away after murdering one of his students.
Izuku took notes, even more than what he usually did with the rest of the class. Bakugo only fought that mannequin for 5 minutes but he showed a lot of things and information only Izuku could see. Izuku already forgot about his rude personality that morning and mostly focused on how admirable he was and how good would they look good fighting togther. In Izuku's eyes, Katsuki started to become the most shiny person he's ever seen. And something inside him told him that Katsuki would impress him even more in the future if he continued to remain by his side.
His heart started beating fast when he saw the way he was fighting without a bit of fatigue.

Bakugo was really amazing. He wanted, no he needed to get closer to him.

With Bakugo finishing his quirk demonstration, the fights in pair were now starting.

Bunny Deku Quirk AU!/ bkdk /💥🥦/ 🐇🐺حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن