8. A date? 💌

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Izuku was still sitting on the floor, his face in his hands trying to calm down.
Come on Izuku, nothing serious happened. It's going to be okay just get up off the floor and act like nothing happened.
Oh but a lot happened actually.
He basically slept in his rival's room. on his bed. IN HIS ARMS.
The worst thing is that he basically flirted with him today? Or was it just a joke? Izuku didn't know anymore.
At this point, it was not rivalry anymore.
At first he found him annoying, then he wanted to mess with him, then beat him. Then again it turned into admiration for him.
But now, something snapped again because he felt too good in his arms last night, even when he woke up and realized where he was sleeping, he didn't move and continued to sleep in his arms.
Bakugo was just...warm.
Everyone in his life seemed to be connected by some kind of string to someone else, but he wasn't attached to anything.
He was just standing there, as others had their destiny written. They fell in love, all of them at least once. So why was it so hard for him?
Everyone felt cold, unreachable, distant, abstract.
No one ever reached for him, no one ever warmed his heart, no one held in his arms, he never felt so much safe and comfortable around someone, he never got so excited to see someone to the point his ears and tail can't stop twitching in excitement, he never waited for the next day to see someone, he never felt so sweaty after talking to someone, he never slept in someone else's arms and enjoy it.
Only Bakugo was somehow capable of making him feel that way.
He wanted to be held in his arms, kiss him, run his fingers in his blonde hair, look at him in his beautiful red eyes or rest his head on his shoulder.
He wanted to cherish every moment he spent with him until that day, and without realizing his tail started to twich. again. Great.

Of course Izuku wasn't oblivious of his feelings, it was clearly a new feeling he never felt before: love.
Maybe it was his instincts telling him so, but even when he tried to date someone back then he never felt this feeling.
So he may as well just accept it.
It's not like Bakugo would feel the same, so he just has to keep it hidden and hopefully not ruin anything between them.
Or maybe he actually felt something for him? I mean, who holds someone in his arms while sleeping, hugs them in their bed in their own room, carries them, holds them on their lap?
He may as well have a chance, but he wasn't experienced in those kind of things, so he felt insecure.

<Maybe I shouldn't keep it hidden from him...I mean, maybe he would feel uncomfortable if he knew that I have a crush on him, but at least I have to respect his boundaries.> said Izuku to himself.
Now his chest started to ache, and the warm feeling faded.
It was possible that Bakugo wouldn't feel the same?
Maybe he was just rushing things? Would he ruin their friendship if he didn't like him back?
Maybe he's not into guys either...he would've just made a fool of himself and even creep him out.
But if he really wanted to cut ties with him after knowing that, maybe it was best to tell him now.
Otherwise he would get attached and probably be even more sad.
His ears dropped and his face looked gloomy.

After getting ready, he went in the common room.
It seems like no one was home: only Izuku and Bakugo.
It was the perfect moment to tell him.

Izuku looked around and when he saw nowhere he sat at the table fidgeting nervously.

Bakugo sat down too while placing a cup of coffee in front of him giving him a little smile.

Izuku felt his cheeks get warmer, and his tail started twiching, but he had to control it. It was not the moment.

-"Are you okay, freckles?" asked Bakugo. Of course the blonde wasn't clueless, he noticed the worry and anxiety in Izuku's eyes but decided to not point that out and let Izuku talk about it on his own.
-"I...I need to talk to you..." said Izuku trying to make eye contact with Bakugo but rapidly avoiding it and still looking at the cup of coffee he was holding.
Bakugo frowned.
Was it about the other night? Of course it had to do.
-"Sure. Tell me" said Bakugo.
-"...Well...You have to know that I have a really difficult time liking other people...it's because of my instinct generated by my quirk...I can't let anyone else near me if it's not my fated pair. I tend to push people away because my instincts tell me that "it's not them" and it's frustrating sometimes, you know? Being 16 and don't even know what it feels to like someone in a romantic way."
The blonde nodded and didn't say anything. Some minutes passed and they both remained silent. With Izuku trying to process what to say next, and Bakugo patiently waiting for him.
-"But you see...recently I'm starting to feel...different. Warm. I don't know how to express it properly." said Izuku looking at Bakugo directly in the eyes.
Bakugo's heart clenched. So that means, he didn't have a chance because he already found someone?
-"When I'm with this person...I feel like a normal person. I feel loved, warm, I feel myself...And that person is...you." Said Izuku blushing and looking away.
Bakugo was stunned.
-"IT'S OKAY! I don't want to force you into anything, i figured that you may feel uncomfortable with me having a crush on you, and even if it feels terrible I'm willing to suppress it and avoid yo-" Izuku got cut off by a sudden kiss on his lips.

Bakugo leaned in and kissed him before he got to finish his sentence.
He loved Izuku, how could he ever feel uncomfortable?
Izuku was shocked by the sudden kiss, but didn't pull away and remained still.
Bakugo moved closer and held Izuku's waist with a hand and the other in his soft green hair.
Izuku moved towards his chest and wrapped his hands around the blonde's neck, enjoying the kiss.
He would worry about a gay panic later.
After some time they both pulled because they both needed air but were still close to eachother's face and were looking at eachother's eyes.
Minutes of silence passed with Izuku trying to process everything, until Bakugo finally broke it and said.
"Now who the hell said I would feel uncomfortable with you liking me?"
-"I...I just...trought that..."
-"You think too much honestly. But at least now you know that your feelings are reciprocated no?"
-"I...I guess so..."
-"Cool because I'm having an heart attack right now."
-"...HUH?! KACCHAN ARE YOU OKAY?" Said Izuku moving his hands from Bakugo's neck and standing up.
-"O-ok wait for a bit I'll go-"
Before he got to finish his sentence he got interrupted again by Bakugo pulling him back on his seat.
-"Where are you going? I was just joking..."
Izuku didn't say anything, and after sighing in relief he rested his head on Bakugo's shoulder.
The two weren't facing eachother, but their heartbeat was incredibly fast and somehow synchronized.
-"So...what...are we now...?" said Izuku.
-"Do you have to ask? Of course we're...dating..." Said Bakugo trying to hide his frustration.
That's right, now they're officially a couple, because Bakugo felt the same for Izuku.
-"So I'm your b-boyfriend...right?" asked Izuku shyly.
-"Of course you are" said Bakugo giving a kiss on Izuku's neck making him snuggle more on his shoulder trying to hide his blush on Bakugo's skin.
-"So...what do couples do? I'm...new in this kind of stuff..." said Bakugo.
-"I don't know either but...well we could...try to go on a...date? I heard most couples have those once in a while...If it's fine with you of course!"
-"It doesn't sound that bad. Well, alright. Let's have a date." said Bakugo while wrapping his hands on Izuku's waist and making him look at him.
A date. Just Izuku and Bakugo. As a couple.

Bunny Deku Quirk AU!/ bkdk /💥🥦/ 🐇🐺Where stories live. Discover now