4. Fighting in pairs💥

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Now that everyone showed their quirks, Aizawa proceed to read the list.
-"Alright, now you will fight oneVSone, so pick someone and form a pair.You'll have 5 minutes." he said while sitting on a chair and drinking his second cup of coffee.
While the class was being in chaos to find a pair, someone asked Izuku to fight together, but Izuku politely refused.
He was determined to fight with Bakugo.
So he walked towards him, and when Bakugo finally turned his head to look at him Izuku said:
-"Bakugo-kun, would you like to fight together today?"
-"Huh?? Why would I pick pairs with you!" said Bakugo in a pissed tone.
-"W-well! This morning you said that I will be the first one to get "crushed" by you, so why don't you take the chance now?" said Izuku trying his best to not anger him more.
-"What? do you want to get beaten up that badly? So you came over to me!" asked Bakugo confused.
-"No! Of course not! I'm pretty confident in my skills and I think you're the best person i could pair with! I want to fight you and win!" said Izuku while shining eyes, his ears going up and his tail twitching.
-"Heh. You bet I am. And considering how you look so excited to fight me, I may as well accept your request. Come on, let's see what you got." said Bakugo while grinning and walking away. He didn't realize it yet, but he was blushing a little after that sight. He didn't notice because with his type of quirk, he was used to getting hotter and sweating excessively in random moments everyday. But even if he did realize, he would never admit it.
Izuku was excited and could not stop jumping around in happiness.
Someone even noticed, a certain pink haired girl and a brown haired girl. Along with a blonde haired guy and a red haired guy.
-"I bet they'll end up together." said Mina.
-"Wanna bet?" said Kirishima.
-"LET'S! But bet about what?" said Ochako.
-"What about...how time would it take for them to get together?" said Denki.
-"I give them 2 months maximum." Said Mina.
-"I agree!! It wouldn't take that much considering how they seem to work well." said Ochako.
-"Well, I have to bet on 2 weeks." Said Denki.
-"2 months is too much, but 2 weeks is too short. I bet 1 month maximum. " Said Kirishima.
-"Then it's settled! But remember, NO interfering!" said Mina.
-"What about pushing them together?" said Denki, in an amused tone. He looked like he already had some plans in mind.
-"That's allowed, of course!" Said Mina and Ochako.
After the four of them agreed on their little "bet" they sat on the ground to watch the fights. They were all waiting for Izuku and Bakugo's turn.

After 5 minutes the pairs were picked:
-Aoyama VS Mina
-Tsuyu VS Iida
-Ochako VS Ojiro
-Denki VS Kirishima
-Kouda VS Satou
-Shouji VS Jirou
-Sero VS Tokoyami
-Todoroki VS Hagakure
-Bakugo VS Izuku
-Mineta VS Yaoyorozu.

After some time, the winners so far were: Mina, Tsuyu, Ochako, Kirishima, Satou, Shouji, Tokoyami, Todoroki.
It was now Izuku and Bakugo's turn and surprisingly (not really) everyone was extra focused on it.

Aizawa announced the start, and Izuku and Bakugo were directly at it.
Bakugo started with a loud explosion directed to the ground to confuse Izuku and his plan was to attack him when coming out suddenly from the dust he would create because of the explosion. He did so, but his plan didn't succeed since Izuku's hearing might have been confused but not his eyesight. In fact, he saw Bakugo move in the smoke and dodged his attack giving him a kick in return on his chest.
Bakugo was quick enough to dodge it as well, and they both landed in the opposite side of where they first were: Izuku on Bakugo's position and Bakugo on Izuku's.
They began to land kicks and punches at an incredible speed making it hard for anyone to follow their fight.
Izuku landed a few times on Bakugo's chest and tried to block him on the ground just to be violently flipped with Bakugo on top of Izuku, blocking his arms and legs to the ground while his hand was on his mouth. They were both breathing like the oxygen was escaping them and looked at eachother deeply in the eyes.
The class was terrorized, while Mina,Ochako,Kirishima and Denki looked amused like they were watching a movie.
Izuku struggled and tried to separate Bakugo on top of him with a kick, but Bakugo pressed him even more tightly to the ground while coming closer.
-"...Don't... *pant* try to struggle, it's all *pant* ... useless anyway."
Izuku tried for a few more times but then decided to stop trying.
It was obvious that Bakugo won the fight, but he was still on top of Izuku, looking straight at his green eyes like he was enchanted.
None of the two said anything. They were just looking at eachother while trying to catch their breath.
There was a kind of tension between the two and it lasted for a few minutes before Bakugo realized Izuku stopped struggling.
Then he smiled at him and got up, helping Izuku to get up. Izuku took his hand and got up too.

The winner of the fight was Bakugo, but it was just a matter of stamina. Then the last fight was won by Momo and the fighting in pairs was concluded just in time for lunch break.

Bunny Deku Quirk AU!/ bkdk /💥🥦/ 🐇🐺Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang