7. "I'm going to go crazy"

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*3rd person's POV*

Hours passed and Izuku was still resting on Bakugo's chest.
He didn't know how to escape as soon as possible since his heart was basically escaping his chest, but at the same time he didn't want to move even a finger off Bakugo.
Since the first time he saw the blonde, he always felt something warm inside of him: and it was not rivalry.
It was something soft, something you could never leave once you get to feel it.
Izuku didn't hate it...it kind of made him feel more...human.
Since he was a child Izuku never experienced things like first love or those kind of feelings.
The reason is simple, since his quirk is really connected to bunny instinct, it made him different than everyone else.
It's not like people didn't like him, instead it was the opposite: they really liked him more like an obsession. He would constantly receive letters and chocolates during Valentine's day by both girls and boys and it went on even in middle school.
But the thing is he could never feel attraction or love with anyone. He didn't even try to get close to people, his instincts were waiting for his soulmate and Izuku didn't try to fight it.
It felt a bit lonely sometimes, watching everyone sharing their happiness with their partner/s while he had to wait for someone he didn't even know if he would accept him. And as he watched those sweet couples, a lonely tear shredded on his cheek but he quickly wiped it and acted like he didn't care much.
After all, he would soon experience it too, so he just had to be patient.
Izuku didn't know what he felt for Bakugo. But the things he felt around him were rare and he never got to feel like this with anyone else.
It was the first time he even questioned if he actually felt romantic attraction for who was supposed to be his "rival".

Izuku sighed and after giving a quick glance to the sleeping blonde's face, making sure he wasn't awake, he snuggled more on his chest. At least he felt good so he might as well just enjoy the moment.

On the other hand, Bakugo was a fucking mess inside.
Since the first time he saw the freckled bunny, he felt his heart almost explode.
And that's concerning for someone who's quirk are explosions. He may as well just explode in the air someday if he continues to feel like this around Izuku.
He spent almost all of his life pushing people away, because he was afraid of feeling vulnerable. He felt lonely and hated himself so much for that.
He always had a bad personality, and he was very aware that people only sticked around him for his money or out of convenience. No one cared about him. He felt even worse when he realized that that horrible personality of his and that way of thinking lead him to be a bully during middle school and harass weak people, afraid to became weak too one day.
Hilarious, isn't it? A bully who got into a school for heroes.
Well it would be if he was genuinely a bad person, but that's not Bakugo's case.
After graduation he realized that going to UA meant that he had to become a better person. He didn't apologize to anyone but didn't hurt or harass anyone and left his "friends", only concentrating on his studies and training.
If he couldn't be good on the inside, at least he could be good in the outside.
He never stopped suffering about his past, and still kept the habit to push away people even if he didn't want to.
Then why did he feel different about Izuku? And the most important question is: "why did bunny stick around with him even if he never treated him good?"
But that's not what was going on inside his head right now.
Because he had the guy he liked sleeping on his chest, on his bed. IN HIS ROOM.
Well, having a gay panic at 2AM is not really the best, right?
He wanted to get up before he seriously exploded since his sweat was accumulating. (Yes, as a part of his quirk Bakugo sweats even more than normal people when he feels strong emotions) But a part of him didn't want to leave Izuku.
So he decided to give in and let the bunny snuggle in his chest. It's not like he was awake so who even cares at this point.
It was probably late, around 2AM, and he could still hear some annoying voices in the living room. They must be from Mina, Kirishima,Denki and Sero
Since Izuku had to pass the living room to get to his room, it was inconvenient because if he did so, everyone would see that Izuku was in Bakugo's room at this late hour and would start assuming things. So he decided to not wake Izuku up and let him sleep in his room.
This better not turn into a habit he thought while wrapping his hands on Izuku's waist and closing his eyes to go back to sleep.
They were both enjoying each other's warmth and so the night passed quickly.

The next day, class 1A had a day off so everyone was busy with their own things.
Momo was the first to wake up: she set her alarm at 6AM because she wanted to make breakfast for everyone so she prepared a whole set of different teas and meals for everyone in the class, and basically veryone had a different type of tea.
She had plans to go out for lunch with Jirou so after making some snacks for everyone she spent her day preparing herself.
Mina and Ochako set their alarm at 7AM and decided to take a walk togther outside after 10 minutes of their daily workout. They were invited to have lunch with Jirou and Momo so they would have all met after that.
Shoto woke up at 7AM and decided to go out to visit his family and had in mind to spent his afternoon training. He also promised Sero to lend Sero some of his mangas in the evening.
Tokoyami woke up at 7AM and decided to tag along and go to train with Shoto. In the afternoon he planned to stay in his room and read.
Iida woke up at 7AM because he had a family lunch so after helping Momo with making breakfast and greeting everyone who was awake, he headed out and planned to return for dinner.
Jirou woke up at 8AM and stayed in the kitchen with Momo talking. After their lunch Jirou wanted to catch up on her studies and exercise with her guitar for a bit.
Oijiro and Hagakure woke up at 8.30AM and they planned to have a date. (yes, they're dating since in my AU they know eachother from childhood).
Hagakure stayed in the common room with Jirou and Momo and asked for some advice about her date.
Tsuyu woke up at 9AM and she also had to spend her time with her family so she leaved in a hurry, just in time to have breakfast and know about the girl's plans for the day.
Kirishima, Sero and Denki were the last one to wake up, and after having breakfast they spent the day playing videogames in the common room.
The rest woke up early and they had plans too like going out with friends, study, train, spend their time with their family or remain in the dorms with the others.
But someone was missing and even if the others noticed, no one decided to point that out.

Bakugo was still sleeping with Izuku in his arms, Izuku's head resting on Bakugo's chest and unconsciously snuggling more into it to search for warmth.
Bakugo's face was illuminated by the sun who spread trough the window and he turned around his head to avoid it.
But it still was enough to wake him up, so he opened his eyes and stared at the ceiling for some minutes before completely waking up.
He looked around as he felt the sound of someone breathing and then his gaze fell down and he almost jumped in the air.
Izuku was still sleeping peacfully in his arms.
Bakugo didn't react tho, neither he woke up the guy on his chest. As he dazed off to admire him he heard a groan.
Izuku was starting to wake up but since he's not a morning person he was still sleeping even if his eyes were open.
Bakugo looked at the clock and it signed "12AM".
Shit. It was already this late and they didn't even have breakfast and now it was almost time for lunch.
He sat down making Izuku lay his head on Bakugo's shoulder while sitting on his lap.
Bakugo stroked Izuku's hair and removed some locks away from his eyes as he slowly opened them and stared at Bakugo.
-"It's time to wake up, it's already 12AM, come on." said Bakugo while patting Izuku's shoulder to wake him up.
-"Mhmm....in...a..min..." said Izuku as he closed his eyes again and returned to sleep again.
As much as Bakugo was in a decent mood, his patience was very low so he picked up Izuku in his arms bride-style and walked him to the bathroom.
Izuku woke up at the sudden movement and started panicking.
-"Wha-Where are you taking me?? Hey wait I'm heavy!!! Let me down!" Said Izuku as he softly punched Bakugo's chest.
Bakugo smiled at him in amusement.
-"Did you wake up by now?"
-"Yes! Yes I did! Now let me down or we'll both fall!!"
-"Mhhm...I don't know...I mean, what if you fall asleep in the shower? We can't have that, can we?"
-"H-huh...no I will not!"
-"Oh yes you will, maybe I should stay in the bathroom to assure you don't fall asleep randomly, right?"
-"O-OF COURSE NOT!! GET OUT KACCHAN!" said Izuku as he went totally red.
-"Hehe, just kidding. You look like a strawberry by the way!" said Bakugo as he left the bathroom.
-"Oh my god..." said Izuku as he slide down and sat down on the floor against the door.
I'm going to go crazy.

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