chapter 1

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Sat in her defence against the dark arts class, Anastasia sat at her desk with her head down, her long black hair falling from its place over her shoulder and her feather quill elegantly scrolling notes across the parchment in front of her under the watchful eyes of Professor Lupin. Anastasia was in her seventh and final year at Hogwarts so studying for the N.E.W.T.S were strictly underway. As Head Girl , Annas free time was extremely limited even the she spent it mentoring some of the younger members of her house. Professor Lupin was currently recapping over a subject they had covered at the beginning of the year when a knock echoed throughout the large room.

Forgive me for interrupting your lesson Remus but might I borrow Miss Rosier . Theres a situation that requires her immediate assistance Professor McGonagall asked her eyes locking directly to Anastasias. When Remus nods his head granting Anastasia permission to leave the class.

Miss Rosier youll want to collect your things class will no doubt have long finished by the time youll return McGonagall spoke up once again. Anastasia nodded slightly confused and with a flick of her wand , her belongings were packed and in her possession.

Professor McGonagall ma'am with all due respect may I know what the situation is that requires me to be pulled from my class Anna questioned the head of Gryffindor house.

It would appear Miss Rosier that a child of whom you are mentoring and as of whom you are known to be close too has been injured by a hippogriff, the extent of the injury I myself am unaware now if you could Madame Pomfrey shall be waiting for you in the infirmary wing. I have to alert Dracos parents The transfiguration teacher informed . As Anna heard Dracos name she immediately began sprinting to the infirmary wing , the blonde haired boy was indeed close to her .

Anastasia burst through the infirmary doors catching sight of Draco in the bed surrounded by other Slytherins. The Slytherins and the Slytherin head girl stood at Dracos bedside whilst his arm was mended. Anastasia knew this was a lucky escape for Draco , she had no doubt that the Gryffindor trio were in some way involved. They always were. Draco had to stay for observation for a few hours so his friends dispersed to lunch, Anna stayed getting the run down from Draco on what had happened. Anastasia had stood with her back to the large infirmary doors so the pair had yet to notice the set of parents in the doorway observing.

Draco what do I tell you time and time again , if you want to go at war with the Gryffindors then be smart about it . A snake lies low before it strikes and therefore its prey is unaware and then dead. Take myself for example do you see me all out duelling in the courtyard? no you dont . Even after that Weasley insulted my family I planned ahead and I struck him when he least expected it and Ive yet to see Percy on my rounds since. The moral is be smart Draco and dont lose us anymore points or you may find yourself duelling me little Malfoy Anna joked patting Dracos good shoulder both of them laughing together until the pair heard chuckling behind them. Anastasia eyed the two adults lurking in the doorway , she didnt have to ask who they were to know that these were Dracos parents. After all her family had mentioned the Malfoy family countless of times, although she hadnt expected them to look so breath-taking. The woman hurried at great speed to Dracos bedside Lucius standing right beside her.

Draco my poor baby dont you worry that animal and that sad excuse of a teacher wont be on the grounds once your father is finished with them. Nothing hurts our baby Narcissa cooed failing to notice the blush spreading across Dracos face. Anastasia giggled at Dracos embarrassment.

Sorry to interrupt Draco but now youre family are here I see youre in good hands so I shall leave you be, but take this handing Draco a book for transfigurations I know its not your strongest topic but itll do for now considering your not in class and Ill help with your homework after alright. We need to keep those grades up after all she offered. Anastasia managed to move two steps before a figure blocked her way. Looking up she found herself looking into the ice blue eyes of Lucius Malfoy himself.

Do forgive me but who exactly are you we know Dracos friends and your face isnt one we are likely to forget is it darling? The tall blonde questioned his wife. She moved to his side humming in thought.

No Darling I do believe we havent met her I am sure of it Narcissa assured her husband both of their eyes coming to glance at Anna.

My name is Anastasia Esmeralda Rosier and I am Slytherin Head Girl and Dracos mentor

courtesy of Professor Snape sir Anastasia spoke clear not allowing the pair to see how intimidated they made her. When Anastasia glanced back towards Draco , he simply shrugged during their interaction. The pair both missed the looks that the elder Malfoys shared with one another.

Draco was released from the infirmary wing in time for dinner that evening and as promised Anna assisted him in anything he didnt quite understand while at the same time revising over all of her N.E.W.T.S that she was set to take in a mere few days.

Just over a week later N.E.W.T.S had finished and all students were packing up the dorms ready to spend summer break at home. Many of those students already excited for the next year. Draco Malfoy was one specific student who indeed was not looking forward to returning knowing that Anastasia would now not be returning. Her final year now complete.

Anastasia was a nervous wreck now that the time had finally come , the fact that she wouldnt be a student at Hogwarts next year really had begun to sink in . There were plenty of careers she had in her mind . She had already been accepted to work within the Ministry of Magic.. Working was something that also had young Anastasia scared. She would be lying if she said that she wasnt worried, after all her last name is the name of her father therefore would others think she was destined for the same fate despite never stepping a foot out of line.

As Anna settled herself into the comfort of her train compartment , she curled up on the plush fabric of the seat and leaned her head against the window , closing her eyes she was thankful for the chance of an empty carriage it happened on rare occasions. Moments later that silence was disturbed by a white headed third year. Ana had half expected Dracos cavalry to file in right behind him but it was just him. The pair just looked out the window unsure of what to say to each other. The train began to slow to a stop signalling they were at kings cross this was it . This was their goodbye. People from all houses began filing out onto the platform 9 and ¾ .

The white mane of the elusive Lucius Malfoy could be spotted miles away. Anastasias Aunt had come to meet her despite her not feeling herself. This was her younger brothers only child and the child she raised and treated as her own. Merlin himself wouldnt stop her from missing this. With her luggage in tow Ana had spotted her aunt Amalthea Rosier or aunt Thea as Anna called her and headed directly for her . Anna embraced her Aunt in a large hug. Auntie you didnt have to meet me here , you should be at home resting, I could have apparated home, but thank you Anna thanked her aunt tearfully appreciating the effort she had gone through to be there. Thea didnt have a chance to respond as a pair of arms enclosed around her nieces waist, holding her from behind. Anna looked down and turned to see who the culprit was . Staring into the greyish blue eyes of Draco.

Ill miss you Annie. Promise me youll visit me before I go back to school and we have to stay in touch thats not negotiable Im afraid and Im a Malfoy I get what I want Draco smirked at Anna.

Oh Draco I dont know I was looking forward to no more potter drama or Draco theatrics she joked back smiling at the boy . Draco looked a tad offended.

Of course Ill keep in touch but lets at least get home first she laughed , patting Draco on his shoulder . Bowing her head to Dracos parents in a sign of respect. Both families apparated to their respected homes.

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