chapter 3

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Since the traumatic death of her last living relative, Anna had since been a guest in the Malfoy manor . Although she was by now a little more than a guest. Her aunt was peacefully laid to rest and throughout the whole ordeal the Malfoys were her absolute anchor to reality. Anna however still couldnt put her thoughts in order at the situation. On one hand Anna had wanted to go home but on the other hand she rather enjoyed the company of the Malfoys. Anna had previously attempted to return home twice. The first time Anna had gone to return home , Draco begged her not to leave claiming he wanted to make the most of her company before his return to his last term of third year next week.. The second time Cissa began fretting about her wellbeing. Her being worried about Anna all alone in that big house. So Anna agreed to stay to ease Cissas conscience but did say that she would return before her first day of work at the Ministry. What Anastasia didnt know was that she would be the right hand assistant to Lucius himself. The letter enclosing said information remained unopened in the Rosier mansion.

The following week Narcissa and Lucius bid Draco farewell at kings cross station whilst Anna was already in the Ministry of Magic for her first day along with another student from her year . Anastasia now knew that she would be working with Lucius , she was relieved at least it was someone who wouldnt judge her by her name. Though the thought of being in such a confined space with the white haired man had butterflies filling the pit of her stomach.

Lucius strutted into his office in the department of Magical Law Enforcement, halting in his footsteps at the sight of his darling Anna stretching on the tips of her feet to reach a book higher up on the shelf, Lucius held back a laugh as he took in just how miniature she was even in a pair of heels. Even though he adored that about her , he couldnt help picture in absolutely nothing but those heels all stretched out for him and for cissa of course. Anna hadnt yet realised he had entered the room she was too caught up in finding the book Mr. Crouch had requested. Lucius took this as his moment . He walked as quietly as he could towards her . When Anna was in his reach, his large hands held her hips , his long fingers digging in slightly. Annas back pressed flush against his broad chest. Leaning down to her ear.

You want my help with that darling ? He whispered pressing himself further into the girl. Anna blushed at the feeling of his hardened member making itself known. Easily reaching for the book , his hand could reach without him even trying. By all means you can say no and I shall just sit back and watch as that little skirt rides up more and more. Its taking I have not to throw you over my desk and worship you right here babygirl Lucius smirked as Anastasia let out a squeak at the pet name he called her. Lucius brought the book down to Annas eyesight, offering it out to her , Anna still pressed against the overly large shelf. Before Anna could respond in walked Narcissa. Narcissa drank in the scene in front of her , the sight of her husband and hopefully her soon to be princess. Anastasias face flushed a deep red as she resisted the urge to run into Cissas arms.

My darling how lovely of you to join us isnt that right princess? Lucius turned to face cissa while slipping a wink to Anna.

I .. Uh..youI should get this book to Mr. Crouch she said shyly unsure of how to respond , after all neither of them had spoken since her and cissa kissed. Anna couldnt help wondering is Narcissa regretted it. Bowing her head Anna moved to rush from the room.

WAIT, STOP Narcissa called after her smiling as annas feet immediately come to a halt. Hurry back darling theres something we should all talk about. Anna nodded in response quickly exiting the room.

Anastasia walked with the book in her arms just down the hall, knocking respectively , Anna awaited permission before entering.

Mr Crouch Im terribly sorry if I am interrupting Im just bringing the book you requested from Mr Malfoy Anastasia informed showing the book as if she needed the proof.

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