Chapter 1, The Challenges Begin

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"Oh my Joshua," the judge said.

His face was covered in a silly little shock. He's such a silly goose. What a silly billy. The judge wasn't always this bright. He used to eat cats backwards and used to spit on Josh's grave... Until one day everything changed.

Joshua was resurrected from the grave. Josh is the lord. He just simply is the real Jesus from the actual bible. His magnificent black greasy glasses lit up in the sun. He cleaned them once every four hundred seventy two fortnites, his favorite silly little game.

The judge was a silly billy, he was also very confusing. The artist, one of our characters, gets weird vibes from him.

"Idk what his deal is, I'm not kidding, I have no idea what is up with him," exclaimed the artist to one of her besties, the tiktoker.

The tiktoker has the same trashy toddler sense of humor as the artist. They literally laugh at everything. I honestly don't even understand it.

Anyways, the people of various professions were trapped in the atrium of Abbey Episcopal. What a hellish room. All the sounds are obnoxiously amplified. It's enough to make a child cry, who am I kidding, it does make children cry.

Lol, I don't even know what's going on anymore.

The world is a strange place, especially this little private school in the middle of nowhere, we like to call Abbey. This school has always been a strange place ngl. It's just really silly goofy.

Alright, now, back to the story.

"I can't even with the construction worker, he's literally so confusing," said the tiktoker.

"Well, at least you only have one problem, I have to deal with the judge and the football player. And plus, the construction worker is actually nice to you."

"Eh, he's still annoying tho."

"I think he's really nice, don't reject him too hard."

In their eighth grade year, the construction worker asked the tiktoker if he could write his name on her classwork, but she rejected. It was very sweet though. Idk. OMG HE'S GONNA GET REJECTED SO HARD BRUH. I'M DYING RN!!

That's besides the point. The two main characters, the tiktoker and the artist. We'll just call them Sasha and Quinn. Were trapped in a stupid room in their silly old school and are trapped with their annoying old classmates.

They both share a common enemy, the zoologist. She is so tall and can't help but behave like a buffoon. She thinks she's better than everybody else, but she really isn't. She gossips too, which isn't cute, let's just put it that way.

The building of Abbey Episcopal was designed and created by a famous dead architect, or so they thought.

All of the former students trapped in that josh-awful atrium chattered and tried getting out. Those that couldn't care less, such as Sasha and Quinn, didn't even try to escape (at this point they were already over life). Others like that darn zoologist did try to escape, but failed. This is great, because our protagonists are stuck with one of the various people that makes them cry.

All of a sudden, a sudden voice spoke, "only ten of you will escape with your lives, the rest of y'all will die. Welcome to the squid games. Jk, this is the Architect's Hell. If you aren't happy rn, I couldn't care less, most of y'all will die anyway. Your first challenge will start now."

Haha. What a silly joke, but he wasn't joking. Turns out the architect that created Abbey faked his death and is back for revenge.

The doors to the atrium blasted open. The former students ran out of the room. For some reason the lobby smelled like butt thunder. The basketball player probably farted again, just like how he used to in the olden' days. Boy is that something I'd like to forget about. He'd always let it rip in the middle of class.

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