Chapter 5, Fire Ice and Sacrifice!

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The construction worker and astronaut jumped out of their car to mourn their friend. Their tears signaled the mega chads. They ran at the construction worker to tackle him, but just in time, the astronaut shielded the construction worker from their attack. His body collapsed on the ground, lifeless. He had sacrificed himself to save his friend!

The construction worker felt awful. It was all his fault. He was guilty as charge.

Anyways, he sobbed so much, that he, himself turned into an epic transformer and beat up all of the mega chads. He felt glorious after looking at the aftermath of the violent bloodshed. The mega chads were all on the ground. Vengeance had struck them.

The construction worker used his transformer powers to turn back into his normal human self. He ran back to the building of Abbey Episcopal and unlocked all of the doors... Until the crusty architect, Haiden swooped in on the astronaut's spaceship. The construction worker transformed back into his transformer mode and grabbed the spaceship and snapped it in half. 

Haiden looked flabbergasted. He fell to the ground. The impact broke his ankles, again. He was so prone to injury omg.

Anyways... He unlocked the doors and let everybody out. All of the people ran out.

Haiden grabbed his infinity gauntlet and snapped his fingers. Half of the 39 people were gone, dead (yes, one half of a person died, isn't that crazy, omg!) So now they had 19.5 people left. 

Quinn, Sasha, the Construction worker, Regina, the freelance makeup artist, dishwasher, business woman, marine biologist, weather girl, animator, firefighter, party princess, FBI agent, doctor, judge, football player, Hot Topic employee, McDonalds manager, and historian had survived the fatal attack. 

People like the gas station worker, mall Santa, and garbage truck driver didn't get so lucky. 

The one person who half died is the grave digger. Honestly, I think we all saw that one coming.

The people screamed to get out of there. Nobody could hear them. Haiden called his lawyer, realized he had killed him, then put his phone back down. What a goofy kid. I bet he was just in a silly goofy mood.

Haiden just decided to go avatar state on them and blasted them all back into the building with his air bending. So quirky!!

He followed them in, then froze the entire school from the outside, so nobody could escape.

"I curse you all to a miserable life. From now on you will feel the pain of eternal suns," he spoke in a deep and empty voice. He sounded like corpse husband BAHAHAHAHAH!

He called his hover board back over and stood on top of it.

It took Regina a  hot minute to realize that his one true love hadn't made it past the Thanos snap. His one true love, Siloan, had died! He was a mess, he couldn't contain his emotions and just snapped. He blasted fire from his mouth and scorched Haiden's face. 

He went absolute bananas! He turned around, accidentally blasting everybody else with the flamed. Haiden melted the ice and ran out for his dear life. Regina had lost it! He was setting everything one fire!

Regina turned around to blast Sasha, but figure appeared in front of her. It was the football player. He had a goofy ah crush on Sasha since the third grade, the THIRD GRADE! 

He took the fire for Sasha, "Sasha, run! Get out of here!"

But right there and then, he belted into a puddle on the floor! He sacrificed himself just like the astronaut did!

Quinn grabbed Sasha by the arm.

"Come on, we have to go!"

They ran out of the building right before Regina burned the entire school down. I guess school is out for the rest of the year! Zoinks!

All of them successfully made it out of the building. Regina disappeared into the distance.

The gang had fallen apart, one of them died, one of them psyco, and the other two, all alone and in charge of a group of survivors.

The group was in shock. What had happened to their old school!?

FBI agents Hebie and Karen Korn ran to the front parking lot where the group was.

"What on Earth happened in this here building," asked Karen Korn.

The judge stepped forward, "it burned down because of that psychotic witch, Regina."

"Ah, the one that lives on top of that there hill?"


"Okay, okay, now that we're all on the same page, we need to figure out what to do. Haiden, the architect ran off in that direction and Regina went in the other," Sasha said.

"Okay, I'll take that there agent from your group, and Hebie, and we'll go track down that witch," said the Karen.

They said their goodbyes to the agent from their group and started their goofy journey to stop the toddler, Haiden.

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