Chapter 3, Meeting the Heroes

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The Joshtasic sunrays seeped into the room and covered the walls. Our favorite group of people woke up, ready for the day.

All of the guests were asked to some down to the Pershern for their fourth challenge.

"I hope you all had a tragic night's sleep," the architect spoke, "your fourth challenge is the tiktok blackout challenge."

The room went silent, for everybody knew how dangerous this was. The tiktok blackout challenge was when you hold your breathe so long, you pass out.

"You will go as long as you can, only the strongest will survive, only 40 of you will survive, meaning 24 of you will die."

The timer started.  Quinn watched the architect look down as his Cheeto dust covered iPad. His greasy little iPad kid fingers clicked a button which said "security cameras". The screen filled with little clips of camera footage all throughout the school.

The architect's mask turned red. He spoke something to a guard, and exited.

He sped walked all the way to the gym lobby in the back of the school.

Another wild Karen was banging on the glass doors. He was furious. When he saw the architect walk over to open the door, his face lit up then tensed up. He had a serious look on his face with his arms crossed.

"Sir, what do you want," the architect rolled is eyes.

"Excuse me, is that your property up there," the Karen pointed to the massive hill with his perfectly manicured figure nails.

"No, that's some stupid witch's house. He lives there with his husband. Why do you ask?"

"Well, I saw him with a weird device pointed towards your building here."

"Okay, and?"

"My name is Korn Scalesclink. I'm an FBI agent, and saw some suspicious activity going on around here."

"Uhuhhhh... Nothing suspicious to see here."

"Mhm, we have a missing agent and she was saying she was invited to a gala thrown in this here building. Do you know anything of the sort?"

"Nope, definitely not at all."

"Okay, I've set up camp in that, there parking lot, so I can keep an eye out."

"Well, have you gotten a warrant to be here?"

"Indeed I have, now I'm going to step right on in here and take a look."

"Um... okay."

His goofy ah partner, Hebie, walked in after him. During the entire conversation between the architect and the Karen FBI agent, he was picking leaves off of the bushes. What a goofy kid.

Okay, back to the challenges. As the time flew by, the guards fell asleep. Quinn and Sasha took this opportunity to leave the room. They grabbed the iPad, which the architect had left behind on a chair, what a stupid idea.

They disabled the camera footage and left the room down the back hallway. They heard the voices of Korn, Hebie and the architect as they walked down the linking hallway.

The linking hallway connected the great hall to the gym lobby. Between the great hall and the gym lobby, there was a back hall. It was separated from the great hall by lower school classrooms. The great hall and back hall ran parallel to each other.

Quinn and Sasha ran back into the Pershern. They couldn't let the architect see them out, they especially didn't want him to snap them with his infinity gauntlet. So preppy.

They ran to the great hall and made their escape all the way down the hall to the back doors. They were all locked. They tried the doors on the opposite side of the school, in the lobby. Locked. I bet they locked them after the furry Karen incident. Now they have an FBI Karen situation on their hands. Great, even better.

K, back to Quinn and Sasha. All of a sudden, a message popped up on the screen of the iPad. "It's us Regina and Siloan, we're here to bust y'all out of there. Go to the Pearlman."

"How in Josh's name did they send this message," pondered Sasha.

"I have absolutely no idea, but lets go, because there might actually be a way out of this dystopian hellhole."


They ran through scarlet doors to the Atrium and into another red set of doors to the Pearlman. They looked around. All of a sudden the two knuckle heads knocked on the windows next to the bathrooms.

Sasha and Quinn looked at each other for a second then stood back as the two degenerates smashed the window with a knife.

The sound echoed throughout the atrium and into the great hall.

"What was that, that sounded sus," said the Karen, Korn.

"Haha, I bet that was nothing, we have a furry infestation, so we get these loud bangs every now and again."


The FBI agents turned back around to go back to their campout in the parking lot. But then with all the finesse they had, they turned back around and pushed past the architect. Wowowowow! They juked him out so hard his ankles broke!

They sprinted down the hall and into the atrium to investigate the sound. They stumbled upon the Pearlman. They stepped inside, and upon investigation, they discovered nothing. The room was empty and like usual, they saw nobody.

Quinn, Sasha, Siloan, and Regina watched the FBI agents walk out. Regina took off the invisibility cloak which hid them from view.

"That was a close one," said Quinn, but then the architect walked in. He busted them, surely. But thank goodness he didn't. They ran into the restroom in time.

Though the architect lied to the agents saying it was nothing, he knew it was something, so he investigated. He didn't see anything tho. The gang has magic on their side and plus they're smarter than that toddler of an architect.

The rodent of an architect walked back into the room where the challenge was finishing. At last, the last person of the 24 people to pass out was the piolet! What an L.

The architect dragged them into a maintenance room in the back hall. The group heard twenty four bangs, then the architect walked back into the room.

Geez, they all knew how violent he was, but this is on a whole other level.

They now had forty people left. All of a sudden, somebody jumped up to sprint out of the room. It was the zoologist. The architect grabbed her by the neck. He was standing on top of his goofy ah hover board. He threw her against the wall and used his crusty little Cinderella magic wand. He spoke the magic words "bipity bopity boo, I hate you." And with that, the zoologist died.

Quinn and Sasha sadly weren't there to witness it. The screen of the iPad lit up again. The gang glanced at it to see what it said. "39 people left."

"Oh my Josh, I wonder who just died," Sasha exclaimed.

"I bet it was boring," Quinn replied.

"Focus, we need a plan," said Siloan.

Regina spoke up, "I have the perfect plan..."

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