Chapter 7, "FBI"

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"Omg, who's mom's house," the firefighter pondered.

"Mine, probably," said Quinn, "I was the one harassing him this whole time, about his heels and yk, everything else."

"Okay, to Quinn's mom's house it is," Sasha announced.

Ofc they forgot that they didn't have their trusty steeds with them. They finally realized they didn't have their steeds like 47 minutes later. 

They all ran down the hill as fast as lightning, which propelled them in the direction of Quinn's mom's house. They traveled at the speed of light and smashed into Quinn's mom's house.

"Oh no! My mom is gonna kill me! Oh, yeah, I forgot the part where I don't care."

"Focus, we have to be prepared, Regina is a powerful witch, he could be anywhere," Sasha pointed out.

They all made a circle formation, so they couldn't get caught off-guard, but out of nowhere they heard the sound of spray-paint. Maybe Regina is an artist?

The group broke their circle to check over the corner. It was Quinn's mom! She was tied up to the Peppa chair, covered in spray paint. 

Regina, all of a sudden, blasted out of the sky and hit them with a sleep spell. It failed miserably tho, because Regina only specializes in love spells, what a loser. He was weakened by his failed magic.

He tried blasting them again and again, but his princess pirate magic needs time to recharge.

The group used some split second thinking and knocked the weak little witch over. They grabbed some rope, tied it around him, and restrained him. 

All of a sudden a massive airplane landed in the front yard. It was Quinn's brother, Eaten! Eaten was always a weird child. He always had an obsession with planes and grew up to be a terrible piolet!

The hatch of the plane opened and Karen Korn and Hebie jumped out.

"Is this boy here the man we're lookin' for," asked Korn.

"Indeed," said the historian.

"Looks like we did a better job than you," said Sasha.

"Shut you're pie hole, we're professional FBI agents."

"Then what on Earth is he doing," Sasha pointed to Koen's partner, Hebie.

Hebie was picking grass out of the ground by each individual blade.

"He's doing um... our official grass toxicity testing, yeah, sure."

"You know what, I don't even care that much," said Sasha.

Korn grabbed Hebie by the collar and dragged him onto the plane. The construction worker and judge helped them drag the witch child, Regina, onto the plane.

The "FBI agents" said that they would bring him into the station.

And at last there was peace... Until there wasn't.

*One month later*

News reporter on television: "There was a massive breakout in the FBI, the Federal Bureau of Idiots."

"I swear to Josh," Quinn said.

"Oh my Josh, I don't know what shocks me more, that they were actual 'FBI' agents, there's a thing called the Federal Bureau of Idiots, or the fact that Regina was 'smart' enough to escape. Or were the 'FBI' agents so dumb that they just let him escape," Sasha pondered.

"Okay, that's besides point," said Quinn, "we need to get the group back together and save the town from this monstrosity."

They opened their Elmo watches that they bought from Toys R Us before it closed down and hit the button to signal the rest of the group to meet up.

They decided to meet up at Quinn's mom's house since they all knew where it was located. 

"Y'all I think this calls for the power of Josh," Quinn said.

"Yeah, Josh hired me as his glorious protector. I can summon him, but it will end up taking all of my life force and I will die," the dishwasher announced.

"Oh my Josh," said Sasha, "well, whatever it takes."

"Yeah we never really cared too much abt u anyways," Quinn said.

"Hey, I care about everybody," said Sasha.

"Well yk what, nobody asked you."

"Fine, I'll be quiet then."

"Okay, dishwasher guy I forgot the name of, summon Josh once we track Regina down."

"Alright, it was nice knowing y'all."

"You're not dead yet you reject."

The marine biologist pulled out the tracking device she uses to tag sharks with. "I tagged Regina with one of these when he was knocked out. We can track him using this."

"But did that hurt Regina? Tagging is only meant for sharks which don't feel as much pain as humans," Sasha pointed out.

"Yeah, it might have stung... a little bit."

"Okay, stop nerding out about sharks, focus," Quinn said.

"Yeah, guys, focus," said the construction worker.

Quinn looked back at him with a disappointed expression. "Just track Regina's location, come on people."

The group hopped in their Mystery Machine and tracked his signal. He was at the Eiffel tower, halfway around the world! Thank goodness the Mystery Machine has a rocket ship feature.

They blasted out into the air and landed in the middle of Paris. They were there in under .0000000000007 seconds! Dang, that's fast! 

Regina was at the top of the tower, breathing fire everywhere. I'm shocked that he hasn't burned down the Eiffel tower yet. Like my goodness.

They jumped out of their Mystery Machine and the dishwasher got ready to sacrifice him for the good of We the People. 

All of a sudden, the dishwasher erupted into a massive beam of light. We was almost blinding!

Josh has come! He rose out of the ground where the dishwasher once stood. He was the messiah! He was radiating with light. He opened his mouth and let out a squeaky screech. It was a magical moment.

All bad from the world disintegrated and Regina's powers were wiped from existance. There was only good and joy left in the world!

Josh soaked back down into the Earth and disappeared. The lord had come to save us all and now he left after doing a tremendous job!

Now I bet you're wondering what has happened since this fabulous 100% natural phenomena. You'll have to find out in Chapter 8! HAHA GOTCHA!! No, but seriously u need to read Chapter 8 cause it's so good.

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