Chapter 6, The Journey Begins

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The group of 17 grabbed all of the essentials for their long journey. They grabbed the diapers to set traps for Haiden and his Peppa pig chair as bait. They also grabbed water, food, yk, the less essential stuff.

They picked up the bag Siloan had stolen from Marry Poppins to grab 17 pokeballs. They did whatever you do to get the Pokémon out of them. They grabbed some saddles and saddled their Pokémon up. Now that they have their sick rides, they could finally leave the school's property. 

They traveled days and weeks, putting up their tents at night when they needed to sleep. They didn't even bring tents, because they didn't even sleep. They became the most legendary nomads of all time. They never stopped moving. 

They left Huggies diapers everywhere they went in hopes that Haiden would be lured to them.

On the eighth day of their travels a wild fairy stepped into the road stopping them. Lila Scalesclink, a close relative of the Karen, Korn Scalesclink.

They paused.

"Bipity bopity boo, I'm here to help you," she threw a massive piece of bark at them, then gracefully fluttered off into the wind.

"Well that was enlightening," said the weathergirl.

"Indefinitely," said the historian.

"Y'all, we need to keep going if we're ever going to catch up to Haiden," said the marine biologist.

"Yeah, she's right," the businesswoman butted in.

"Okay, guys, focus," said Quinn, "according to my toddler tracker 5000, Haiden went this way." She pointed West.

"Let's go," Sasha spoke.

They rode off into the sunset, never to be seen again. Jk! They kept riding into the night until, they saw the massive hill next to the school. They were going in circles! Nope, that was where the tracker was pointing. 

The group Minecraft dismounted off their trusty steeds and walked into the shack on top of the massive hill.

Everything was charred, Regina must have been there. They looked around.

"Guys, you're gonna want to take a look at this," the fire fighter pointed. It was the body of Haiden. 

He lay dead on the floor, his ankles were melted off. Geez how many injuries will this kid take to his ankles. This has to be the last time, because now he doesn't even have ankles. Man is this so grim. This is smth out of the Grim Brothers.

"Oh my Joshness," said the animator.

The doctor poked at his body with a stick, "he's definitely dead alright, has been for a while."

"Now that this is all sorted, we have to find Regina," the party princess pointed out.

"Yeah, everybody saddle up," Quinn ordered.

They turned back around to exit, but their Pokémon steeds were gone and in replace, there was a marking in fire that wrote, "meet me at ur mom's house..."

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