[31] Azvalath: How Strange This Sight

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            The sound of Kolo impaling herself made Azvalath wince. His jaw clenched. She locked eyes with him, as if to prove herself superior. At this moment, he could not dispute it. Beside him, Channei fell to her knees and bowed. Lalek and Rizval followed suit. Finally, Azvalath caved and showed his respect.

Kolo pulled the sword from her chest and planted it firmly in the trampled snow. White turned to red as the earth drank her blood. She glared ahead, then her eyes rolled and she collapsed.

Dakko started crying. It was loud and shrill enough to make Azvalath flinch. He covered his ears and bit his tongue so he wouldn't lash out at the disruption. When the boy got up and fled, Azvalath held back a sigh of relief.

Kolo stirred on the blood-soaked ground. She turned and her eyes found Azvalath. By some miracle, she was still conscious. At least, she was conscious enough to reach toward him.

Azvalath's eyebrows rose. Before he could stop himself, he started crawling toward Kolo. Her hand hovered in the air, trembling as she strained it toward him. He grabbed it tight.

Welcome, Azvalath.

He tried to jerk back at the sound of the Iron God's voice, but Kolo held him firmly in place. Her eyes were half-open. A faint blue light reflected in them. She was facing the Iron God again, no doubt.

"I hear you, Vraelen," Azvalath whispered. "But...why are you talking to me? Kolo is..."

What I share with Kolo is not for anyone else, not even you. The voice was like thunder in Azvalath's skull. But I wanted to speak with you too.

Azvalath blinked. He thought he saw the blue for a split second.

You and Kolo have the power to build this world anew. Whether she shares her new knowledge with you is her decision alone, but I will tell you this much – it is not a coincidence that your master sees so much resemblance between her soul and mine.

Azvalath swallowed hard and looked up. He saw Xigon turn toward Qila. The master's eyes were wide and anxious beneath his broken goggles. "Qila, I'm trusting this to you." He made eye contact with Azvalath, looking like he was about to say something, but then he turned and left.

Azvalath's gaze followed Xigon as he disappeared into the trees. Confusion swirled around his head. Where was the master going? Surely he wouldn't leave in the middle of this. What could possibly be more important?

What strange and horrible creatures surround us, said Vraelen. Nights like these...do they change us? Or do they reveal what we always were?

The Iron God left him in silence. Kolo's eyes were closed. Her hand had fallen away from his. She was barely breathing,

Azvalath could hardly breathe either. If she didn't make it through, where would that leave him?

Master Qila put a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "She'll be fine. I'm sure of it."

He couldn't help but notice she was trembling too. "What are you so worried about, then?"

"Xigon." She turned to look in the direction he had gone. "Something's wrong with him."

IRON GOD | 1: PeripeteiaOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz