Chapter 8: "I'm not getting you a pet monkey."

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"Look, it's a shooting star!" I exclaimed, pointing at that tiny sparkling streak. "Let's make a wish!"

But before I could even close my eyes, it had disappeared. 

"Aww." I frowned, and turned to look at Mum. "I couldn't wish anything."

It was one of those cold winter nights, when the sky was clear and thousands of stars visible in the sky. Mum always drove us to the open field near the forest, and we would sit there on the hood of her car while looking at the stars. 

"It's okay," Mom replied, stroking the side of my head. "I wished instead of you." 

"Really?" Turning to fully look at her with widened eyes. "What did you wish for, Mum?"

"If I tell you that then how will it come true, silly?" 

I huffed and looked away, feigning anger but still side-eyeing my Mum. It was quiet for a while, but then a pair of cold hands touched my neck from behind.

"Mum, no!" I whined, trying to scoot away. "I told you my neck is a no-no." 

But she didn't stopped, and soon we were both giggling in the quiet of the night.

I didn't exactly know why I was remembering this particular memory. Maybe because I could see some stars through my bedroom's window as I laid on my bed. 

Honestly, I was scared to fall asleep tonight. I was afraid that I would see that devastating moment again in my nightmares and I had live it over again. Not to forget, the fact that one of the killers was here, in Virginia, was enough to keep me on alert.

Should I inform everyone about that man?

It would be the safest thing to do, I know, but what was I even supposed to say? That my Mom's death wasn't just some house fire, but a planned murder? That she knew something she wasn't supposed to, and that got her killed? That everything also connects to John Greeley too?

Before I could forget, I had drawn the sketch of the man as best as I could. Pencil sketching was one of my hobbies which I used to do whenever I sat in public places. People would always get surprised to see a young girl like me drawing their faces and would request for more portraits. The last page of the notebook Lucas had given me was now hidden under the mattress with the sketch of the tattoo on other side. Even if the page was small, I couldn't help but draw.

Sighing, I got up from my bed, and went towards the window seat to look out over the front lawn. Everything was quiet except some night insects cricketing around. The few stars in the sky were sparkling.

Mum always loved watching the stars, and she used to take me too whenever she could. This particular memory was from when I had just turned 8, the only time I had seen a shooting star.

Remembering Mum brought tears to my eyes, but I quickly wiped them away. I didn't wanted to cry, no, Mum was never a crybaby and I would just start loudly sobbing if I started crying now. It would just wake everyone else up. 

These brothers of mine were doing everything they can to make me comfortable here. Justin washing my hair for me and Lucas helping me to communicate by giving that book just happened on my first day here. I don't know what more to expect from them.

I decided to get myself a book to read from the bookshelf in the living room. There were many titles that were on my TBR that I would love to get my hands on. No better distraction than reading.

So I got out of my bedroom and made my way downstairs. There were no lights or noises from either of the twins' rooms, so it was probably safe to say that Logan was home tonight. I sighed in relief when I had quietly made it to the living room, without Buster surprising me anywhere. 

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