Chapter 26: "Do a pinky promise."

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Both the times I had ventured into The Midnight Rumble, it was late-night and had been buzzing with crowd. But in broad daylight the place was easy to miss. Even if the main street looked like addicts' spot, no one could guess there was a door to the basement hidden away behind some metal sheets.

Logan and Cheryl moved them slightly so we all could enter through the door.

It was Thursday afternoon, and after Logan texted in our family group-chat that he was taking me to the library, he had drove us here to start with my self-defense lessons.

Only Justin had asked me about my afternoon spent at Nat's house yesterday after I came home, meaning I had successfully pulled off fooling them.

Which I should not be proud of.

But after all the things I got to know yesterday, about how my Mum was involved, the FBI and Peyton Reed, I was ready to risk everything to get the truth. The fact that Uncle Walter could be dangerous was a reason enough to start figuring things out.

First things first, I had to learn to defend myself in case I have a kidnapping attempt on me again. At least I should be able to run or alert someone else. That's why, I didn't say anything and follow Cheryl in through the door while Logan locked it behind us.

The place was deserted, not something I was used to, and the afternoon sun was shining through the small windows on the streetside. Cheryl turned on the lights and gestured me to deposit my bag beside hers' in a corner.

"Alright, Anna," Cheryl began, her tone formal as she turned towards me. Without warning, she swiftly grabbed my wrist, gently but firmly. A controlled gesture. "Let's start with something basic: how to break free from a grip. Show me what you will do in this situation."

I stared at her hand holding my wrist, then I attempted to twist and wrench my wrist from Cheryl's firm hold, but despite my efforts, her grip remained unyielding. Frustration welled up within me as I struggled against her controlled grasp.

"It's alright, Anna, don't worry. Now I'm gonna teach you how to step by step."

With a calm and composed demeanor, Cheryl demonstrated the method, emphasizing the crucial points of leverage and redirection. "Shift your weight slightly," she instructed, her voice steady and encouraging. "And use their hold against them by redirecting in the opposite direction."

I focused intently, absorbing Cheryl's guidance, and tried once more. Each attempt seemed to bring a slight improvement, but I couldn't quite master the technique.

"Good effort, Anna," Cheryl acknowledged, offering patient corrections and support. "Let's try this again. Remember, it's about technique, not just force."

As Cheryl released her hold, it was my turn to apply the technique. I mirrored her movements, focusing on the intricate details she had explained moments ago. The maneuver required finesse, a careful combination of redirection and controlled force.

"Nice," She commented as I executed the technique, providing gentle corrections and pointers. "It's about precision and using your opponent's hold against them. You're learning quickly."

During all this, Logan sat quietly on a bench nearby, his gaze filled with curiosity and observing every movement of ours. I feel like he's been acting weirdly since yesterday, staring at me across the dining table with his inquisitive gaze. I thought we were way past that, but turns out he still is trying to figure something out about me.

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