Chapter 14: "Anyway, we will just call this one OBPP Part 2."

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"So, now that everyone's here," Justin began, as I took a seat at the kitchen island besides Travis while he served me some scones. "I have the perfect plan for tomorrow."

Believe it or not, tomorrow was our sweetest Oli's 14th birthday, which also marks 20 days of me living here with him and the others.

As the days have went by, we've fallen into a routine for ourselves.

Some days I hang around the house with Justin and Oliver while the twins go to their part-time jobs and Travis goes to the hotel. Also, when Justin's free from any work, he takes me and Oliver to watch movies in the mall or just shopping.

To say that Justin likes to shop is an understatement. He wants to buy anything and everything he likes while me and Oli tries to stop him. Travis had warned me the first time when Justin mentioned he wanted to buy new shirts, and I didn't believe him. But when I saw how Justin went on grabbing clothes from each rack, I had to step in to stop him with Oliver.

And he doesn't just do that for himself. When we were shopping for me the first time, he tried to buy everything I showed slight interest in. Even when in the Apple store, while Oliver was looking through different iPhone models, I walked around and tried out one of the MacBook kept there. Justin was beside me the very next second, asking the salesperson about the price and everything. I had to literally push him towards Oliver and stood beside him the whole time.

Whenever Oli and I stay home alone, we run around in the backyard with Buster for some time, then come in and watch movies while chilling in the AC. But we had to always stay in the living room because we didn't have laptops and there's no TVs in either of our rooms. He always complained about it, so that had given me an idea for his birthday gift that I got approved by Travis.

He even played more of the piano for me, and even offered to teach me if I wanted to learn. But as he said that it's the only thing that connects him with his Mom, I don't want to intrude. Moreover, I feel good that he was comfortable enough to share that with me. He still doesn't know that Justin knows, and I'm not planning on telling him.

Somedays just to annoy Logan, I go with him to the library. He always glares at me when I inform him during breakfast, then accepts his defeat. It's always fun to rile him up. Also, he still kind of forgets that I am just 12-years-old and he shouldn't be using most of the words that are on top of his dictionary. I haven't caught him sneaking out again, and he doesn't tell me himself, so I haven't gotten the chance to meet the Red Devil aka Cheryl too.

But I have seen Travis smoking a lot of times these past few days, and sometimes I wave at him through the patio doors and we hang out on the swing just watching the stars in the sky. I haven't officially met Brandon yet, but I really hope I do if he is that important to Travis.

He has also started giving me allowances every week, which is more than what my Mum used to give me. I tried to explain how I don't need the money, but he said that everyone got the same amount until they turned 16 and Oli still gets it so you should too. So I accepted it, and decided I would buy Oli's gift from this money.

Lucas pretty much still teases everyone around, and is still banned from the kitchen and also to drive. I still don't know the reasons for that, but if it's Lucas then he can do anything that was impossible.

Oliver has been closely observing Lucas since that day when we have found the vial and syringes in his room. We haven't talked about it since, but I have seen Oli looking at Lucas whenever the latter was oblivious to his surroundings.

There has been no more sightings of the bearded man, which had me hoping that maybe he has decided to leave me alone. It was wishful thinking, and it wasn't helping me build the whole story about why my Mum was murdered.

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