1. Nistha

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~New City, New Beginnings~

I was talking with my mum in my phone. She was the Sherlock Holmes of my life. Without even my saying, she knew everything. She even could tell what I had been doing by my look. Well I guessed every mother was same.
Now I was reporting everything to her.

"Yes, ma! Ami pouche gachi! Why are you getting tensed? It is not the first time I have to live without you! Don't worry!"

(Translation- I reached)

"How can I not? Now tell me, have you settled down at your new PG?"

"Not really- ma I've just come here from the airport, I'm in elevator, if you want to know -"

"Ok- sabdhane thakis! Do a video call at night, hmm?"

(Translation - be careful)

"Yes, ma'am! Bye"

She hung up. Now I had to find the apartment.

"3B I guess, yes!"

I pressed the doorbell. After few seconds, a mid 60s old lady opened the door. I recognized her immediately after, she was the owner who posted the add of this apartment on Insta.

"Oh, you must be Nistha!"

"Yes, ma'am-"

"Oh come, come-"

I smilingly entered. She was even more jollier in person. The apartment was exactly what it looked in those pics. It wasn't so exaggerating nor fancy. It was simple yet aesthetic, quiet, beautiful and comfortable. Atleast it seemed to be like that. We went to upstairs and then she unlocked a room with a key then handed me the key.

"This is your room. Check if it's ok. And please don't mind to ask if you need anything. Go go and unpack yourself."

"Yes, Mrs. Dixit."

"Oh, don't need to be this formal. Call me Nini. My grandson also calls me that."

"Your grandson calls you Nini?" Well I don't know, as a Bengali girl, I found it childish.

"Yea! Actually when he was a kid-" I put my suitcase beside the wordrobe then sat next to her on the bed. "He stuttered a lot. So he couldn't say nani. He altered the word with Nini."

[In Hindi, Nani means grandma(mother's mother).]

"Oh-! Well- ok then. I call you Nini from now on."

"Oh you better- oh ho. I'm such a bad person, you must be tired . I'll go."

"Oh no no, it's ok."

"And it's already lunch time. Freshen yourself. And come down for the supper. I made a lot for you."

"Ah Nini- you don't need to do this- it might trouble you, I'm so-"

"Oh! I have to. Now unpack & freshen up. Hmm?"

"Ok." She got up from bed then left my room. I lied on the bed. Finally some peace. While looking out of this wide window, my eyes felt so heavy and the cool winds of November messed my hairs. I embraced them and closed my eyes.


It had already been a week, I was with this old granny. She didn't feel like a stranger to me. She was just like my mother. Well, I moved to Delhi for an internship. I was already a graduate, I couldn't rely on my mum anymore. Well, I shouldn't.
Tomorrow was a very important day. Well, the last year, when I was doing my masters in Commerce, one of the members of DTMA (DELHI TRADING & MARKETING ASSOCIATION) had contacted me and gave this opportunity to work with them. They had an institution near Nehru Place.

Well, as a student I was quite good. But honestly, my social skills were really bad. But once a wise woman said,"You have to be become the voice of your own." And I was still following this quote. I had top my college with great sgpa. And I'd started to participate in different types of seminars after my graduation and that was how I got this internship after MCOM.

Uh, huh! Don't get bored. Though I was a nerd, I loved to read story books. Both fictional & non-fictional. I had a whole cupboard for them. Well, I had to sleep early, I couldn't be late for tomorrow. I must not.


It was almost 2 pm. I was so hyped in the morning, but the work here was so boring. Well, they said after 2 weeks we were all gonna get surveys. But I had already hate this group they put me into. None was productive or friendly here. I was studying the files they e-mailed me to merge into a possible product. And you know what was the worst part, our dear team leader who they chose for us, still hadn't come. May be he was so great as they said. But that didn't mean our time had no meaning. Every group had already made a presentation, but ours? Ha ha! Who was gonna represent us?
Well, I'd made a brilliant presentation but the members of this institution delayed us. Like seriously, well who cared? It was already the lunch time, and I was almost done with this stupid thing.

I saw the cafeteria here, it was so magnificent. I had my lunch with me, but I needed a refreshment. Like sort of a drink. I put the laptop under the desk and took out my lunch & purse from my bag and then put it in one of the drawers and locked it.

After coming down here, to the cafeteria, I scrutinized every tile of it. It was really well-built. Then I ordered a macchiato from the counter and turned to the seats. Almost all of them were taken. I looked for a seat for me.

"Huh! Gotcha!"

I straight headed to that seat which was at the left corner. I almost got it but then-

"Eta ki holo!"

[Translation:what was that?!]

"What? What did you say?"

"This is my seat!"

"Oh really? I didn't see you sat here. I've come first, I took it first so this is mine."

"Don't be ridiculous! I saw it first ok? And you- came out of nowhere and snatched it from me!"

"Well I don't know. This is mine. Take another one."

"Why would I? This is my seat, and you're gonna leave."

"Not happening."

"Can't you just see me with this thing in my hand? And you still have to soo unbelievable. And do you know the term called "ladies first", I saw it first so this is mine! Got it? Now leave it?!"

"This. This woman card you just used not gonna work on me. Like get a life, woman!"


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