2. Veer

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~The needle in my heart~

I swear to God, I never met a girl as annoying as this girl. She just kept bugging on me. I just came here for having my lunch peacefully, but guess what, I had the worst luck ever. She was simply shouting on me. I got this seat so this was mine!

"See, mister you're not the only one who has work. I just simply want to have my lunch. I have no time to argue with you. So please just leave this seat!"

"Just like I have time?"

"Oh God! Can't you just leave this seat!!?"

She was so loud that everyone in the cafeteria straight looked at us. I just couldn't control my anger. I stood up making a loud bang on the table. I could feel her getting startled. I straight looked at her. And then- I felt a needle stinged in my heart, stopping my heartbeats. Did time stop in her eyes? Oh, no no no! My concious mind hit me hard (thank god!) as I came back to my senses. I couldn't loose. She insulted me.

"Enough is enough."

Her whole face was red and she was flaring in anger. But then I heard someone's shouting my name.

"Veer. Nishtha. In my office now!"

Our head of the department called us. She put her mug & tiffin box on the table aggressively and followed her. So did I.

"It's just so disappointing to see you guys fighting like this. Just sort things out with eachother. And I understand the pressure you've been through Mr. Dixit. Managing your company and then come here for the training, I know it's hard to balance. But Ms. Sen, the far I know, it's your first time. I thought you'd be more disciplined."

"I'm sorry ma'am. I guess I'm the only one who's wrong here."

"Finally, you've accepted it!"

"Mr. Dixit!"

"FINE. I'm sorry too."

"All sorted then. Now go. Have lunch. No more fights."

We left together from her office. She didn't even say a word. She was embarrassed I could totally feel that.

"Listen- I hope you learn your lesson. Better—"

"I'm sorry for being an arsehole. So yea, I apologized. Now if you may give me permission to leave."

"Yea- sure."

She left. My eyes stuck with her figure until it faded away.



I informed the head before that I'd be late. Everyone looked so goalless here. I was in the hall sitting next to my team members. I felt a hit on my shoulder with a corner of a bag.

"I- I'm sorry!"

I turned to the voice. Again her.

"You!" We both exclaimed.

"Well I guess I'm so misfortunate today.", She said taking the seat next to me.

"I'm not pleased either."

The HoD came grabbing our attention to her. She looked at me.

"I can see the leader of  Team M1 has come. Please represent your team and the topic I've given before."

I nodded and took out the pendrive. I could feel her shocked face. I went near to the main table with a smirk. I plugged the pendrive into the laptop and then the contents showed on the white screen from the projector. After I finished, everyone clapped even her too. I knew none could resist my aura.

"I'm very happy by your presentation Mr. Dixit. I know how busy you're with your own company—"

"No, ma'am. I've come here to learn & to give. And I'll do it."

"Hope you'll be like this the whole year."

"Yes ma'am."

"Take your seat."

I returned to my seat with proud & squeaky smile.

"I didn't know that you're our team leader. That was quite nice." She said.

"I know."

Mrs. Agarwal (HoD) then started to tell us about a new online app which had launched recently. I glanced her lastly then focused on the screen.


It was 12:30 a.m. I called my dear grandmother that I'd be returning home. I met her occasionally which only hurt me. After my parents death, I was the only heir to this huge industry my grandfather had created and left for us. My grandma was my only parent left. Well, till my graduation, my uncle handled and managed our company and all. He was an honorable person to me. He was my only mentor to this path. But after his marriage, he settled down to another place and developed his own company. So, after my graduation I owned my father's heritage and now, I was sort of devastated. I couldn't get sleep. I had anger issues, impatience, insomnia and a minor OCD too.  They said rich people's lives were the happiest. They were right in someway, but they were partly wrong too. Having none in your side in your lowest was the hardest thing I had ever faced. But, it made me stronger too. Now, I didn't need to look upon on someone.

I shut down my laptop and put in my bag. I took out my keys and left from my office to the parking lot. I unlocked my car and started the engine. I spent most of my time in my office. It was raining outside? Why I didn't notice. It was almost 1 o'clock. I stopped the car at red. I looked outside. The smell of the rain was both soothing and depressing. I closed my eyes. Something flickered in my senses. The sweet smell and a pair of angry doe eyes. I opened my eyes seeing the signal was already green. My mouth parted to say her name but my mind was so delusional to work. What was wrong with me?


My sleep got disturbed by the ring of the alarm. I partly opened my eyes feeling the sunlight on my face. I got down from bed and went to the downstairs. I was feeling too sleepy to be bothered by anything. I fell asleep after a long, long time. May be the rain's effect they said. I felt the smell of toast teased my nostrils. I did what my mind said. I went to the kitchen. I was still feeling dreamy. I saw a figure near the counter. It might be my lovely granny. I back-hugged her. Her figure felt kinda skinny. Was she doing her yoga lessons again? But suddenly she jerked me off on the floor as I fell down. And then looked up rubbing my ass. What the actual F?!


"What are you doing in my house?"

Her house? It was literally my house. I stood up.



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