5. Veer

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~Near me~

She'd picked a lot of things. I suppose I was now in the market all for herself, 'cause I'd already put the things in the cart according to Nini's list. It was nothing much, just the monthly groceries. Nini wrote to take pasta. But I didn't understand which one to choose. Here were so many different kinds. I looked for Nistha here & there but she was nowhere to be found. I sighed. This girl. I took out my phone to text her but there was already a text from her, that:

Nistha: "I'm at the jewellery parlour, if you're done, go to the counter. No need to wait for me."

Jewellery parlour? For what? I didn't know she was into accessories. I only saw her wearing jhumkas or a slight pendant. Well that was none of my concern. But then again—.
I went there. I couldn't control my curiosity. I saw her sitting and doing something with the things on the table. The shop was indeed aesthetic. Purple, teal & white. That was the theme of the shop. It might be a new shop, I'd been here before but never saw it here. I went to the counter of the shop and took a token and parked my cart along with the other ones. Then I went near to her taking the seat next to her. She looked at me with a slight surprise in her eyes but then became normal.

"What are you doing here?" She asked with a tone of sarcasm in her voice.

"Well, this shop is opened for everyone, I guess, if only you allow me."

"Wo-hah—" She didn't speak after that. I felt non-existent. Ma'am I'm right here! So I decided to break the silence.

"You're making a jewellery?"

"Yes. I thought I'd make something thoughtful. And this shop has been opened recently, so I've come here for customized jewellery. Anyways what have you prepared?"

"Prepare what 'n  for who?

"What! Oh no no, you forgot, you-"

"What did I forget?"

"No, no you're so done. How can you forget about it?"

"Oh for God's sake Nistha, tell me what I forgot." She directly looked at me in the eyes.

"Tomorrow's Nini's birthday."

Damn. My face was blank. How come I forgot about it. Even she knew. I gripped my hair.

"Look, there's still time. I'm sure you can prepare something for her."

"but what?"

"I don't know, think what she may need"

Agh. I looked at her fingers and the beads. I sighed.

After wasting freaking two hours in the mall, We returned to our house. Nini was watching a movie.

"Oh you two finally came. Go and freshen up."

I put the things on the kitchen counter as Nistha helped me.

"Listen, You have to take her out at the evening," She whispered and looked at the living room and then said, "Me and Shanta di prepare everything. Ok?"

"Yea, you said this to me already 3 times."


She took the filled jars and started to arrange them on the higher shelves. I unpacked all the things and poured the pulses into the empty jars. But my eyes concerned on her. She tiptoed to put the jar on a specific shelf of the cupboard. As she tiptoed, her kurti slided a bit, showing her waist a bit. I tried to look away. But all my vision focused on a certain part. Nistha had a mole on the right back of her waist. My eyes heat up and I could feel my ears were getting red. She stood back on her feet grabbing me back to my senses. She looked back at me and frowned. I tried not to look in her eyes. Why I was feeling hot?

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