3. Nistha

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~Two Strings~

If I didn't freak out right now, then what should I do? This was really something. I was sitting in the dinning hall with that Boy and Nini.

"I'm so sorry Nistha, I should've tell you before that my grandson is coming. It's just- I just totally forgot about it." Nini said with awkwardness in her voice.

I just didn't know what to feel. Why always, always I had to be this unlucky! And of all the people in the world, why 'he' had to be her grandson?!

"Nini she can't stay here. You don't know how is she! She insulted me infront of everyone. I want her to leave right now."

"What?" The audacity he had. "You can't say that! I've already paid the rent and the advance-"

"How much did you pay?!" He faced me with the aggression. "Say it. I refund you, then leave. Tell me!"

"Veer ENOUGH!" Nini shouted to shut his mouth. "I don't know what are you talking about but Nistha is a very well-behaved girl. She even remembers my medicines which I mostly forget. She always treats me like a family member so do I." I felt sorta relieved that atleast Nini didn't misunderstand me.

"Nini you have no idea about this kinda gal. They trap innocent people by their words and then-" I gasped as he looked at me with his sharp eyes.

"This is a vile accusation. I've already paid up for myself, and I've recently moved here. I can't leave!"

"Fine! Take your time, pack your things then leave!"

"Veer that's so absurd." Nini stated.

"No, Nini it's ok. I can't live in a house where is no peace. I'll leave. But I need time, atleast a month."

"A month?!"

I exhaled and said,"3 weeks, then-"

"2 weeks."

"Fine. 2 weeks!"

"Veere, this is too much. She has none here. What's wrong with you?"

"Nini you're too innocent."

I angrily got up from the couch taking my breakfast from the table then went to my room and shut the door.

"I so hate my life. I can't say anything to maa right now, she'll be furious."


It'd been already passed 4 days since that day. I became so busy with work, I couldn't get time to find any p.g. for myself.

It was already 10 in the night. I had to overwork; that Mr. Dixit was way more annoying. I wouldn't let him win. And I wanted to spend my weekends with less stress and I had to find a new place for me too. Well, my work had been done. Finally. I packed my bag then left the office after saying Good Night to Mrs. Agarwal.

In Kolkata, 10 pm meant evening but in Delhi I felt it was midnight. People here were more consistent than my hometown. I was waiting for a bus or a taxi. But nothing had showed up yet.

Someone tapped on my shoulder as I turned only to see that it was none other than my arch nemesis, Veer. And everytime I saw his face, my mind couldn't think straight. Anger overflowed in my veins.

"What?!" Annoyance couldn't be unnoticed in my voice. I was annoyed by his presence.

"It's 10:30. Quite late. I have an Audi, you know?"

"You don't have to show off your wealth to me!"

"No~ if you don't mind I can give you a ride to home, we live in the same house you know very well."

"You know what- I do mind. So go off! Have fun with your 'Audi'."

"Ah, chill. It's pretty late. It's not safe for a woman alone here."

"Well this woman can take care of herself. You go home. I insist. And anyplace would be peaceful to me if you're not there." A bus had come. "Finally, it comes. Bye bye Goodnight."

I mocked him. I could feel his poker face. Then I got on the bus; but my smile wiped off from my face. I took a seat at the ladies side eyeing those smugs at the right side. Their glares were disgustingly creepy. But atleast there was an old lady at the bus. I was hoping that she'd stay with me. I finger-crossed. But my luck was never on my side. She got off from the bus after 10 minutes. I cursed on myself. I should've book a cab. But my phone was dead. Why always when I needed the thing the most, I couldn't have!

I was sitting at the first row. I couldn't even trust the conductor, he slept on his seat. How could I stay like this for an hour stiffly. Why men had to have eyes? If they had to have eyes then why I had to be a woman? Weird thoughts clouded my minds. I couldn't think straight. They were three men. I had pepper spray, but it wasn't enough. My knuckles were getting white. My face and ears started to heat up. I looked outside, it started raining. I so hate this unseasonal rain. I felt a strong gaze from them. I glanced at them; they even came to the first row.

I closed my eyes. My body started shaking. I again started to overthink worst scenarios. It wasn't the first time. I had anxieties and palpitations. The bus stopped at red with a jerk as it broke the conductor's sleep and I opened my eyes. I lastly looked at them.

My whole body was shaking, I could feel that. I felt like my heart reached at my ears. But someone got up on the bus. I looked straight at his figure. My eyes stuck with his ones. I felt like I was gonna break into tears right now. He eyed those 'men' and then sat next to me. I was straight looking at him in disbelief and relief. He looked at me with his iconic smug smirk.



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