Chapter 7

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We boarded the infamous Avengers QuinJet, and began the flight to Sokovia. Wanda, Pietro and I were assigned a certain corner to ourselves so we could rest. I think it's usually their gear corner though, since Captain America's shield, Tony Stark's suit, and Thor's hammer were stationed next to us. There was only one bed, so we each took a turn of a 30 minute nap, and after about and hour and 45 minutes, we arrived. The last 15 minutes were comprised of going over plans and my siblings and I reassuring each other. 

Captain America said, "Ultron knows were coming. Odds are we'll be riding into heavy fire. And that's what we signed up for. But the people of Sokovia didn't."

I noticed Pietro stop what he was doing and look at the floor. 

He continued, "So our first priority is getting them out." He then looked at Pietro and I, "You two are going to police stations and alerting them. Once that's all taken care of, Melanie will join Wanda at the chapel where she will already be sending out a "message" to evacuate. From then on, Pietro, you will be making sure all civilians are as far away from all this as possible. as for the rest of us, Tony, Thor and I will be looking for Ultron, Bruce will get Nat, and Clint will stay with Wanda until Melanie is." 

He took a pause and got serious, more than before. "All the people want is to live their lives in peace. That's not gonna happen today. But we can do our best to protect them, and we can get the job done. We find out what Ultron's been building, we find Romanoff, and we clear the field. Keep the fight between us." Another brief pause was taken, "Ultron thinks we're monsters. That we're what's wrong with the world. This isn't just about beating him. It's about whether he's right."

We landed and everyone came over to our corner to get their things. The three of us got up and walked to the other side of the jet. 

Before we left, Captain America handed Wanda our three earpieces that were connected to everyone else's. We then made the rest of our way over to talk.

Wanda whispered, "If something goes south, we chose eachother over them." 

We both nodded. Pietro said, "The three of us till the end." He put a fist-bump ready fist into the center of our three bodies.

Wanda and I both smiled and joined our fists with his making our signature triangle. We used to do it all the time before any of us went in for experimenting with Strucker, just in case. It's kinda just a good luck, I love you thing.

"Till the end." We said in unison.

I looked at Wanda and said, "I'll be back in a flash." 

She laughed, "Go."

I stepped away and gave Wanda and Pietro a minute alone. I walked over to Bruce Banner, who was leaning on a table doing breathing exercises. 

"Excuse me, Mr. Banner, can I say something." I asked, quietly.

His breathing became normal and he hesitantly turned to face me. 

"I just wanted to apologize for -- for what happened. It was completely wrong and unforgivable. It's inexcusable. I know you suffered because of it, and I'm forever sorry." I said, hands clammy.

His brows slightly furred, "It wasn't your doing, though, was it?"

I said, "Well, no, but as I said, it's inexcusable."

"I appreciate it. And you can call me Bruce." He said, a soft smile on his face.

I smiled back, "Of course, Bruce." 

I walked off and met with Pietro at the door. Everyone else was already gone. 

"Let's do this thing." He said.

"I'll take the ones on 3rd, 15th, 42nd, and 27th." I said.

"That leaves me with two more than you, no way." He argued.

"Yes, because I have somewhere to be." I said.

I ran off to prevent further argument, but caught him call me a "Подонок" which translates to butt-monkey. It's a term for when somebody is being annoying in an important or social situation.

By the time I was on my second station, the corrupt Iron Legion robots began emerging. I quickly cast a spell to incline the officers to evacuate everyone, and ran outside to fight them.

It was quite simple, just a matter of ripping their little metal heads off and pulling wires like weeds.

I touched my earpiece and said, "What do we do about the robots?"

Stark replied, "Shut them down. Matter of fact, we're gonna need you to help Wanda ASAP, and Pietro you're going to need to complete the police work."

"Yeah, yeah, leave me with the useless stuff." He said.

"I've already done the ones on 3rd and 15th, stop whining." I said and ran to find Wanda.

They weren't at the chapel, so I asked where they were.

"We're on 61st, headed there now." Hawkeye replied.

"See you there in a second." I said.

Literally a second later I found them and they both jumped.

"It's a little late for evac, isn't it?" I asked Hawkeye.

"Maybe, but it's still critical. Find your brother and get everyone as far away from that center chapel as you can. It's where Ultron is, and I'm willing to bet it's where his plan will unroll. Wanda and I will fend off his pawns." He said.

"Alright." I said.

I fist bumped Wanda and hugged her.

"Till the end." She said.

I tilted my head down and took off. I found Pietro and repeated what Hawkeye said to me. 

"Let's start by sweeping buildings, then." He said.

I nodded, "But we're sticking together this time." 

Pietro agreed and I followed his lead from building to building. Our process was me spelling all living things in the building not to be scared of us, then we would go off and find all people in there, bring them to the lobby, make them stay put, and eventually when we got everyone, I put them in a protective bubble and Pietro piggybacked me while I was holding everyone still in the bubble, to the edge of the city, with the rest of the people. 

After about 30 buildings of that, there was a sudden shift beneath our feet. It wasn't an earthquake, or even a bomb, it was something else.

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