Chapter 2

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Adeline's POV

"Ugh! You totally cheated!" I said in defeat after Drew beat me for the eleventh time at the same game we always play on his xbox.Drew laughed and shrugged his shoulders as he tossed his controller onto an empty chair, "So what are you plans for today?" Our normal routine of xbox games and him asking what my plans were for the day continued and I thought about his question longer than usual. I normally laugh and say "whatever the day brings" but summer had just started and once this summer is over I will be starting college. I want this summer to be one I remember.

"I think Lexi and I are going shopping." I began trailing off as I  pressed the thought, " my life is boring."

"You'd think for kids of two of the previously biggest boyband singers in the world we'd be more fun." Drew stood up and stretched his arms above his head while he yawned.

"Yeah, no kidding.Well I think I better get back, my dad was saying last night I had to do something today." I told him standing next to him.

We gave each other meek smiles and hugs before I descended down the stairs into the kitchen where Mrs. Styles- I mean Kaylee was still stirring a pot of boiling water. Even at 9:30 in the morning she was cooking. That women never stopped being the perfect wife. I guess Harry got just as lucky as my dad when it came to their wives.

Just as I was about to leave a very casual Harry entered the room. He wrapped his tattoo covered arms around Kaylee and gave her a kiss on the cheek before turning his attention towards me, "Hey Addie. Remind your dad about Zayn's party next week. I don't know if he remembers but Zayn's pretty stoked about seeing all of us again. It's been like, what? thirteen years since we've all been together? I honestly don't think any of us have seen him seen him since then."

Kaylee stepped in and corrected Harry and said it had actually been fifteen years since the last time everyone was together, mentioning that Drew was 4 and I was 3. Kaylee also said that that would've made Zayn's son 6 at the time. I imagined what Zayn's 21 year old son looked like and if he was anything like Zayn was as a young adult.

Harry's eyes widen at her revelation, "damn. I can't imagine how he's changed." Harry grabbed a glass out of the cabinet and more of his tattoos peeked out from his shirt. I still can't believe some of the ones he has added. He continued, which broke me from my thoughts, "I wonder how his third wife is doing." Harry laughed and kissed his wife, Kaylee, once again, "don't forget to remind Niall. Make sure to tell him I already told Zayn you all were going!" Harry told me over his shoulder as he left the room with a wave.

I said my goodbyes to Kaylee and walked back over to my house. My dad was draped across the couch flipping through TV stations before settling on re-runs of E! News.

He gave me a small smile and a quiet hello as he patted the seat next to him for me to sit down, "hey baby girl."

"Dad, I'm not 9, I'm 18. I'm not quite your baby girl anymore." A small giggle escaped my lips as my dad rolled his eyes at my remarks.

He made the same comment every parent makes about how I'll always be his baby girl and what not.

"So what was it you were saying last night that I had to do today?"

"Oh, I don't remember," my dad had a pondering look on his face as he tried to think of what it was, "well shit, I'll have to get back to you." He laughed and turned his attention back to the old show, "well would you look at that."

As I looked towards the TV I saw segment playing about One Direction. It is still so weird to see my dad on TV, to see him talking in interviews- young and handsome. I imagine if I had any brothers they would be just as handsome. Nevertheless, it was still strange to see him in his old element: the singer, guitarist, and heartthrob. 1/5 of the group One Direction. I noticed my dad's face transformed into a smile as he watched his old life on the screen.

"Those were the days, let me tell you...." My dad trailed off and laughed to himself. An image of Zayn appeared on the screen and it reminded me to inform my dad about the party we are supposed to attend in one week's time.

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