Chapter 8

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Drew pulled away after kissing me and pushed his fingers through his soaked hair. It stayed that way as his eyes met mine, "sorry." 

My eyebrows crinkled together and for the first time I noticed just how green his eyes truly were. I swam over to the edge of the pool, suddenly feeling embarrassed my attire. Although Drew has seen me in a sports bra on many occasions, the combo of bra and underwear has never been viewed by him. I'm one of those people that don't see the difference between this duo and a bikini, but my rosy cheeks are showing I believe otherwise. I looked up at the moon thinking of how to respond to the boy who just had my lips mashed into his. Unable to think of anything intelligent to say, I mumbled out a, "why?" 

"I don't know. I was taken back by my action and I figured you were too." 

"It was a good taken back though." I replied with a blush still burning my cheeks. I pulled myself out of the pool and wrapped my cardigan around my half naked, drenched body. Drew got out on the opposite side I did and the pool acted as a whole world separating the both of us. Things felt strange. Like we were two different people who had never met. This being our first encounter, here looking at each other across the wide rectangle. Even through the small distance, I could see a blush rise to Drew's cheeks, matching mine.

"Well, Goodnight Addie. Uh, tonight was fun." He spat while shaking his hair, mimicking the action of a dog, to get the excess water off his hair. 

I half smile, "yeah... it was. Thanks Drew. Goodnight." Even after saying goodnight we stayed like this for what seemed like forever. One final glance and we walked our opposite ways. When I reached my room I saw his light switch on, I threw on sweats and shoved my hair into a bun. Flipping off my light, I saw Drew's do the same thing. We will always be connected somehow, I suppose. 


The past couple days have come and gone and it was almost like Drew and I had never been friends. There were no texts, no hollering at me through our parallel windows, no more Xbox battles, and no more movie nights. 

I had sent a few texts throughout the days, mostly one like: 

hey what's up?

how are you? 

are we okay

but I never heard anything back from him.  I pushed my hurt feelings aside as  I threw on jeans and an old t-shirt to go to Wal-Mart. I need to grab a few things for my dad to make a side dish for Zayn's party. Ignoring my silent phone, I left it on my dresser, grabbed my keys, and headed out. The roads were surprisingly uncrowded for 11am on a Saturday. 

I walked back to the specific spots of the items I needed and grabbed ranch, chicken, hot sauce, cheese, and chips so my dad could make his famous buffalo chicken dip. As I turned out of the chip aisle I felt my body slam into something strong enough to knock me down. I felt the cold tile of Wal-Mart through my jeans and saw my items fly into the air. I was mistaken about the wall I thought I  hit as I looked up into deep brown eyes and a hand offering to help me up. 

Once I got my footing I knelt down to pick up my groceries. When I went to stand back up my head bumped into the front of the guy's face, "wow, shit.... I'm sorry. I guess that's what I get for being in such a hurry." 

The guy was rubbing the middle of his forehead with his left arm while a bottle of spray paint was tucked under his arm and a pack of cigarettes in held his hand, "oh, don't worry about it." He half smiled and adjusted his leather jacket, shifting the spray paint into his, now free, hand. 

"Okay, well, thanks. And sorry again." I said smiling at this impossibly gorgeous, familiar seeming guy in front of me. 

He smile and nodded before turning out of the aisle and heading towards the checkouts, but not after looking me up and down. I immediately looked down at my old Sperry clad feet and rugged t-shirt covered torso. Not the ideal outfit when you bump into hot strangers at Wal-Mart. 

As I saw one last quick glance of his face as he turned a corner, the feeling that I've seen him before swept over me once again. I went to pull out my phone, only to realize I hadn't brought it. "Dammit!" I mumbled as a little old lady walked passed me while staring me down. 

The short drive home felt the longest it's ever taken. I just wanted to get to the party and have a good time. Plus I know Drew will be there and hopefully I can steal him away to see what the hell has been going on. His and parent's were still parked in the driveway, indicating they hadn't left yet. I had exactly 4 hours to get ready before we had to make our way to Zayn's house. 

4 hours flew by quickly as I threw on my outfit I bought at the mall and we gathered our appetizers and everything we would be taking with us. Out the door we went as I slid my earbuds into my ears and leaned my head back onto the seat. The drive ended quickly and we were parked in a long cobblestone driveway, in front of a huge beach house. The waves were crashing in the back and you could see the large wrap-around balcony from the front. I threw my purse over my shoulder and checked my phone one last time; no messages from Drew. 

However, there were several from Lexi. I looked up before responding, realizing her parent's car was already parked. She was inside. 


ADDIIIIEEEEE FUCK KADEN IS I kid you not, I have never seen someone so ASDJGLKJGDKJL

I rolled my eyes at her 16 year old expressions and quickly told her I would be inside in a minute, sliding my phone back into my purse. I walked shortly behind my mother and father and over the threshold into the gorgeous house. 

A very rugged looking Zayn, clad in black skinny jeans and a loose yellow tee padded over to us and greeted us with a smile, "Niall! Cameron! It so great to see you! It has been so long!" His eyes focused on me, "holy shit Adeline, you've become a woman! Look at you! You're not 4 feet tall anymore!" 

I smiled and returned his hug after handing over a bag of tortilla chips. We followed him into the back of the house where Liam and Harry were chatting with their wives, and Drew was sitting at the table with his phone in his hand, snacking on what looked like Doritos; not making any motion to acknowledge my presence.  I scanned my eyes for Kaden, but an attractive stranger was nowhere to be seen, I knew everyone in the kitchen. I turned further to my left and saw Lexi on the patio talking to a tall tan figure in front of her, him with his back towards me. She meet my gaze and smiled excitedly nodding in front of her. I assume to indicate to (whom I think is) Kaden, that I was here. 

The tall tan figure I don't remember from my childhood turned around to wave to me. Only the tall figure that now faced me through the sliding door was one I do remember, from Walmart. The one I slammed my body into, hours previous. 


Picture is Kaden need to say anything else. hahah

Enjoy ;) It's finally gonna get intriguing. 

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