Chapter 3

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"Dad!" I hollered down the hall for my dad to hurry up in the bathroom. I was meeting one of my friends at the mall in 45 minutes and I needed to get ready. Granted, I could use my bathroom but my dad could've used his. I laughed to myself as he walked out yawning.

"Jesus Addie, the mall is only 15 minutes away, chill." My dad gave me a glare and made his way back to the couch, "while you're out, grab something to where to Zayn's party, if you don't have something in that enormous closet already."

I smiled and agreed as I hurried into the bathroom where I grabbed my curling iron. I gave my hair a light wave and applied my mascara. Content, I ran up the stairs into my room. My room was a great size for me.

I had a king size bed placed perfectly in the center, two night stands beside my bed, a fuzzy rug at the end covering most of my floor, and a couch placed under the British flag. My dad always gave me crap about it but Drew gave it to me and I promised him I would hang it. I also have a chandelier hanging over my rug with a desk placed on the opposite wall with a TV hanging over it. Other than the flag and my TV my walls were boring. I really need to get more pictures to hang.

My closet is lined with shelves and places to hang my clothes. There was a shoe rack at the end and another, smaller, chandelier hanging. I loved my room. My bathroom was perfect as well. I grabbed my converse to slip on (because I was just going to wear what I wore to Drew's) and my phone off my bed as I headed back downstairs.

"So dad, do you still not remember what you wanted me to do today?"

"Nope, just forget it, it wasn't anything important. Have fun!"

"Thanks dad! Ooh, don't forget tonight we're eating dinner with Liam's family."

"Aren't you going shopping with Lexi anyways?"

"Yup. You guys will probably be there by the time we get done shopping."

We said our goodbyes as I grabbed the keys to my dad's Range Rover. Today, I was going to ride in style. My parents could just take my mom vehicle to Liam's.

I turned up the music as I drove down the freeway to the mall. I loved living so close to it; maybe that's why my closet is as stuffed as it is.

After parking I met Lexi in the food court where we grabbed a quick coffee. It was only 12:30 and we had a whole day of shopping ahead of us.

Alexandria is my other best friend. She's the daughter of Liam and Stephanie and we've remained close because my dad and Liam have remained close. It's sort of like a team work. I laughed at the thought as we began walking to Forever 21. We tried on several outfits until we settled on a few, after paying we decided to go to Nordstroms next. We grabbed more clothes and I grabbed a few swimsuits to try on. I had outgrown some of my ones from last summer and I was not about to wear one too small. I tried on my bikini first. It was a floral cutout top and regular blue bottoms. The bottoms fit perfect but the top was a complete no. My boobs were spilling over the top of it. I loved it though so I asked Lexi to grab me the next size in the top.

A minute or so later Alex knocked on my door, "here ya go..." She put the new floral top over the door and it fit way better. Happily I put it back on the hanger and tried on the outfit I wanted to wear to Zayn's party.

"Lexi, have you found anything yet?" I asked through the wall separating our rooms.

"Yeah! I found a swimsuit I freaking love and I think I found the outfit I'm gonna wear!"

"Me too! Come show me!"

We exited the dressing rooms and looked over our attire. Lexi had on a high waisted navy blue skirt with a patterned crop top and black heeled boots. My outfit consisted of a flowy light purple tank top tucked into to a white asymmetrical skort paired with black chelsea boots.

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