Chapter 4

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Drew and I walked outside into the warm, but breezy air. The pool was shimmering from the lights underneath it.

"Ready?" Drew asked me placing his shirt on a chair.

"Yeah, let's go together or I won't have the courage to get in." I laughed and set my towel on the chair next to his as a light breeze made me shiver.

"Okay, on my count. 1...2..."

"3!" I hollered cutting him off as I jumped into the pool. Halfway in the air I looked back to see him still standing on the side with a smug look on his face. When I came up from the cold water Drew was laughing and smiling down at me.

"You're an ass." I said crossing my arms, attempting to keep myself afloat above the deep water.

"It's my number one quality." He laughed and sat down on the edge sticking his feet in.

"Are you even going to get in? It's freezing and you're making me face it alone!" I whined swimming to the side. I set my arms atop of the concrete and stared at him.

Drew rolled his eyes and stood up backing a couple feet away from the pool. Next thing I knew he was soaring in the air landing in the water causing a large splash to cascade over me.

"There....Oh my God! It's freezing!" Drew's teeth were chattering and he made his way over next to me.

"I t-t-t-old you." I managed to say through my, also chattering teeth.

"Yeah, you're pretty smart." Drew stared into my eyes before ducking under the water. Before I had the chance to look where he went I was being drug under the water. I began kicking and trying to break his hold but I kept being held under water. When we surfaced Drew was basically drowning from how hard he was laughing. I on the other hand- was not.

"You're gonna kill me one of these day!" I hollered a little louder than I planned.

We began laughing until my mom's voice cut us off, "Hey, be quiet, we're going to bed!" She smiled and waved to Drew, "are you staying over there tonight Addie?" I looked and Drew and he shrugged so I told my mom that I would most likely be staying the night next door.

"Okay, tell Kaylee hi for me and that we need to plan a lunch soon! Goodnight dear, love you!"

"Love you too mom, I will!" She smiled down at us from their balcony. I heard her say something smartalic to my dad before closing the doors behind her.

"Okay, I'm getting out. It's freezing." I told Drew before pulling myself out of the cold midnight water.

"Yeah, I'll join you. I guess you gotta borrow one of my shirts to sleep in again considering you didn't bring clothes out?" He said again like it had been a lot of times that I've worn his clothes to bed but it only happened once. My parents were out of town and my big house gets really scary at night when you're all alone. Okay, and we also kissed. Just once though! And we swore to never tell anyone or ever speak of it again. Not even Lexi knows because she would never let me live it down.

Thinking about our kiss reminded me of Lexi and I's conversation earlier today. Dammit. I love Drew, he is the best friend I've ever had besides Lexi and I don't want to ruin it. But honestly, how ironic would it be if Niall Horan's daughter and Harry Styles' son dated. That'd be a story for the headlines....

"Addie.....Addie....ADELINE!" I was awoken from my inner dialogue when Drew's hand was waving across my face, "you ready to go in?"

I didn't even notice he had put on his shirt and I was still awkwardly standing next to him as the water dripped off my suit onto the ground, "um yeah, sorry." I smiled and followed him across the grass onto the patio I had become so accustomed to. I was thankful his parents weren't up as I made my way up his stairs, still in my swimsuit. Our houses were very different, but the layout was similar in ways.

Once we reached his room he tossed me a towel and a very large shirt and a pair of basketball shorts in my direction before disappearing into the bathroom. By the time Drew emerged I was dressed in his shirt and sitting on the end of his bed. His shirt reached the middle of my thighs, yet I was careful to stay covered.

"Wanna watch a movie?" Drew asked sitting next to me with a pile of movies he grabbed from his desk.

"sure, just put in something, I'll be out within a few minutes."

"Okay... I'll be over on the couch if you need me, goodnight!"

"Goodnight!" I climbed into his cloud-like bed and my eyelids were already getting heavy.



"Adeline! Adeline! Wake up!" I was shaken awake by a frantic Drew as I shot up from his bed.

"What happened?" I asked wiping the beads of sweat off of my forehead.

"You were screaming and I guess you were just having a nightmare.

"Oh, I'm okay now. I honestly don't even remember what was happening."

"Okay, goodnight Addie." Drew made his way back over to the couch.



"Can you sleep with me? I'm scared whatever I was dreaming about will come back."

"Of course." Drew climbed in next to me and I once again felt safe. I knew with him next to me nothing could hurt me. Maybe Lexi had a good point earlier. Maybe I did love Drew.


I'm trying to get in the swing of things with this story and I don't want it to be boring so I'm sorry if you think it is! DON'T WORRY It WILL GET BETTER :)

please please please vote and comment and fan. Love you!

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