The Return

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You and Dawn sat down and talked for a few more minutes. You guys caught up, had a few laughs, and actually just enjoyed talking to one another again. At least, that was how you viewed it. But either way, it was all but confirmed for you that deep down, you liked her whether you wanted it or not. Once the phone call ended, you placed the device down on your center console as you just sat there on the side of the road in the middle of the night. You took a few deep breaths and leaned back in your seat of the car.

(Y/N): Well...that went better than expected. I guess...I guess we head home for a little while?

Buziel looked at you and crossed his arms. You groaned a little and tapped your head slightly. You turned back to him.

(Y/N): Look, I get it. We should stay focus on the battle journey. But, I mean,'re right. We already abandoned it once for her, I can't do it again.

You groaned a little and lean back in your seat again. You looked out the window to see the night sky and back to Buziel.

(Y/N): Well, you want to tell her? Because I'm already in hot water as it is! Plus, I don't think her friends will be too keen to see me again. ARGH, what do I do?!

Buziel jumped up onto your chest and grabbed your collar. He looked you dead in the eyes and glared a little before slapping you back and forth across the face. After a few slaps, he jumped down and looked up at you, crossing his arms again and looking a little annoyed.

(Y/N): Right. Pull yourself together. I got that. I'm just nervous is all on the right choice to make? I just...damn it.

You took another deep breath, and Buziel looked at you. You sighed and nodded again, grabbing your phone. You looked at it, shaking a little. You were clearly scared out of your mind for this. But you took in a deep breath and relaxed a little more.

(Y/N): Alright. We know what to do.

You went ahead and pressed call on your phone again. You took a deep breath as you heard the phone ring. You sighed after a few more moments once it didn't answer. You sighed a little more and leaned back.

(Y/N): Alright then. We go off to the next town and call her later. We need to keep pushing forward. No matter what.

Buziel nodded and let you drive down the road. The drive was a little smooth, nothing to really be concerned about. You just relaxed a little and took off down the road. Like most of your drives late at night, it gave you time to think things over and take a breather. And now, it was a time to think about your life and where things we going. Particularly with Dawn.

What would happen when you returned? What would she think about you? What would you think of all this? Why was all this pain inside your head? You parked into the nearest hotel as you thought things over. Once out of your car and in your room, you walked around your room, still thinking. And once again, it was your pokemon that calmed you down. Still, it didn't negate the fact that you were on high for most of the night. You didn't receive a call back from Dawn for the rest of the dark times.

Dawn, meanwhile, was laying in her bed after the phone call. There was a smile on her face as she lay in bed. Piplup walked onto her bed and smiled down at her.

Dawn: We can do this, Piplup! I-I know we can. We can make this work!

Joana: (Calling up) Dawn? Is everything ok up there?!

Dawn: Oh! Yeah, Mom! It's all good!

Joana: (Calling up) Good! Now help me with dinner! It can't just be me!

Dawn: Coming, Mom!

Dawn smiled a little and walked out of her room, smiling widely. Things finally felt like they were going up in the world. Dawn came downstairs and explained to her mother everything. All the dinner was perfect in Dawn's eyes. The meat was good, and in addition to all that, the salad was peaked to perfection. Dawn was currently on cloud 9 high right now, and nothing in her mind could break her spirits.

Dawn X Shy Male Reader: New Place, New FriendsWhere stories live. Discover now