Gas Gas Gas

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The birds began to chip, calling out into their flocks in a loud cry. It was enough to stir you awake, shooting your head up from your seat and almost hitting your wheel...again. You shook your head a little and looked up to see the rising sun. You sighed a little and glanced to your side to see your pokemon still asleep. You groaned a little and slapped your face a few times before fully waking up.

(Y/N): Alright. Let's get to it.

You stepped out of your car and walked down to the trunk, opening it and grabbing your backpack. Next to your bag was your belt full of poke balls. You grabbed it and tossed open Wevile. She smiled and stood up at attention towards you.

(Y/N): Wevile, if those idiots wake up, let them know I went to get gas with Monferno and Staravia. So no one goes into a panic. You're in charge.

Wevile nodded and gave you a salute. You closed the trunk door as you began to walk down the street. The morning sun had yet to fully shine down on you, so you could make some pretty good time. You had tossed up Staravia and had him survey the area, guiding you from the air towards the nearest gas station around a mile away. The walk wasn't hell or anything, just long and tiresome. Especially with the sun beating down on you as you walked. You rubbed your eyes a little more as you felt like you were walking for at least a few hours when it was only about 30 minutes.

However, as the walk slowed down, you smiled a little and stopped yourself.

(Y/N): It's about damn time.

You ran up as you saw the gas station in view. Once there, you walked inside and went directly over to a working fan and let it blow cool air on you.

Elderly Man: Everything ok there, son?

You snapped and turned back to see an old man from behind the counter looking at you and smiling a little. You rubbed the back of your head a little awkwardly.

(Y/N): Y-Yes sir. Sorry. Uh, you wouldn't happen to have a can for gas laying around?

Elderly Man: Oh, sure. I can just ask Edith for it in the back. Feel free to look around if you need anything else. We have just about everything.

You nodded as the old man walked into the back. You surveyed the store, stepping around, trying to find anything else that could possibly interest you. You tapped your hip as you walked around, finding some snacks, pokemon food, energy drinks, some paper and cards all sorts of stuff. You walked around and saw the old man and an elderly-looking woman smile and softly kiss one another before he walked out to the counter.

You smiled a little and walked up to it as he started to ring you up. You went into your pocket and smiled a little.

(Y/N): So, how much do I owe you?

Elderly Man: Oh, about 23.50. Didn't want to go to the rim.

(Y/N): Good call. Thank you.

You smiled and pulled out the cash. He tallied through it to try and find change, but you raised your hand and stopped him.

(Y/N): No need. Keep the change.

Elderly Man: You sure? I would hate to keep money away from a young one such as yourself.

(Y/N): Thanks, but no thanks. The gas is enough.

You smiled at him and waved a little as you walked out of the store. He waved back and watched you leave. Once outside, you stopped yourself and looked up to the sky to see Staravia fly down towards you. You smiled as he landed on your shoulder, and you gave him a pet on the head. You couldn't help though but to glance back to the store and the elderly man.

Through the window, you could see him and his wife smile at one another, talking a little. You turned back and smiled a little.

(Y/N): Yeah. This was the right call. Come on, bud, let's get going.

You stretched a little and started the long walk back toward the car. Like before, it was a good long walk towards the car. Once you finally got back, your pokemon were up, and Buziel was standing on top of the car, keeping a lookout. You shook your head and laughed a little as you got the car filled up and ready to take off.

You got your crew back inside the car and took off down the street. You tapped along the wheel and looked over to the gas station a mile down the road. You smiled a little and continued down the path toward Snowpoint and back toward Twinleaf.

Back in town, Dawn was at the lab, writing down information from her book over to the computer database. She tapped her pencil a little and grabbed her phone as she was typing away at her computer. As she was working, the doors to the lab opened again, and footsteps slowly approached her. Dawn said nothing and just continued her work. That was until someone cleared their throat to talk. Dawn turned to the voice and stopped herself suddenly when she saw who it was.

Dawn: Ethan?

Ethan: Hey there. Been a while.

Dawn: Uh...yeah. Like, four months. What are you doing here?

Ethan: Just stopped in for a visit, is all.

Dawn: Cute.

Ethan: I try. So, where is the new guy?

Dawn: Noelle is a girl.

Ethan: Didn't know you were like that.

Dawn groaned a little and turned back to Ethan.

Dawn: What do you want? And if you even remotely say, "I want you back" or anything like that, we are done, remember. Now, either go ahead and get to the point or get lost!

Ethan raised his hands defensively. He stepped away from Dawn and rolled his eyes a little. He turned around and began to walk out.

Ethan: Now I know why I wanted an out.

Ethan rolled his eyes again and walked out. Dawn silently flipped him off as she went back to her work. She took a deep breath and sighed a little before looking at her phone. No new texts or calls from you at all, only texts from her friends and her mother asking about dinner plans. Dawn sighed a little and placed her head down on the desk.

Dawn: Where is he damnit?

You were still on the road, going down at crazy speeds. Reason why was behind you, was a giant Snorlax, rolling down the road right behind you. You were frantically looking around, trying to find a side road to drive down, but you just couldn't.

(Y/N): Damn it! Damn it! DAMN IT!!

You spun around, trying to get out of the clear. You kept swearing to yourself as you tried to drive away from the massive pokemon.

(Y/N): Well, this is one way to say welcome back home!

Finally, you saw a side street and swerved into it. You panted a little as you saw the Snorlax pass down the hill. You took a few deep breaths and slumped back in your seat. You turned to your right and saw Buziel there in his seat, shaking in panicked fear. You placed a hand on his shoulder and stunned him a little.

(Y/N): Let's go home.

Buziel nodded rapidly as you drove down the main street once more.

Back at the lab, Dawn went ahead closer to her laptop as she looked at the clock beside her. It read 10:43 PM. She yawned a little and smacked her lips slightly as she got up from her station. She looked at her phone again, hoping to see if there was anything from you. Once there was nothing, she rolled her eyes and walked toward the entrance of the lab. She continued to scan through some of the messages from her friends and mother.

Once she stepped outside, she could feel like someone was there. She glanced up and gasped a little. You were standing there, smiling at her.

(Y/N): Hey.

Dawn's shocked face slowly morphed into a subtle smile before a full-on grin.

Dawn: Hey.

Dawn X Shy Male Reader: New Place, New FriendsWhere stories live. Discover now