January 28 - Feb 24 February

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Focus -Build #1. Continue to build endurance and strength and improve technique


Here are your next four blocks. We are adding some sport specific strength work with the addition of a short "hilly" run and low cadence sets on the bike. I expect you to feel some fatigue from the strength component and that's okay.

The hilly run will probably be okay but the strength workout on the bike should be taxing. Take a look at the workout and let me know what questions you have. The one thing with low cadence work on the bike is that it can cause some knee pain. If that happens let me know. I'd really like to see you on your bike soon to make sure you're doing these sets correctly.

Let me know if this needs changes! (Are you still doing the Birkebeiner now that your husband has no skis?)




Ms. Webfingers, my nickname for my speedy lane mate, kicked my butt doing pull drills. I returned the favour during kick drills. She promptly put me in my place by pointing out the pull is the most important part of swimming, not the kick. Did an extra 50 meters - not on purpose. Just can't count and swim at the same time. Get home, pump milk for next swim.


Did Thursday's bike instead of a run to escape the cold - a 45-minute strength focused workout in a hard gear at low RPMs. Really liked it. Found it easier and more suited to how I ride. Missed the T2 run.

Steve bought new skis. Wish it was one of my skis I had lost so I could get new ones.


This month's running goal is to run longer than the time it takes to get me and the kids ready and out the door. Typically pack with me: Ashley, Ruth, Care Bears, a dolly, Ipad, Garmin, phone, my water, drink and snack for Ashley, blanket, and soother. Today's run felt really good and fast! Imagine my surprise to hit the same turn around point. I wasn't running any faster than I usually did. How demoralizing.

Swim felt like I was going through sludge. Lucky for me we worked entirely on kick drills. Started 50 meters behind everyone and ended 75 meters ahead. I am the kick queen. To bad my arms are useless. Get home, pump milk for next swim.


After surviving frigid temperatures and thinking I had outwitted the weather by managing to get in all my workouts, I have been laid low by the common cold - as have both kids.

Wonder what the protocol is for being sick? Do you push through workouts or take time off until you feel better? Was planning to do Tuesday's 30-minute hill/drill/run/strength/core today, but don't think I'd make it past the first hill. Tomorrow is a rest day so if I feel better, I can do a run then.


Feel like crap. Abby says to rest as much as I need to get better. Make Steve stay home from work to look after the kids so I can stay in bed and be sick properly.


Off three days sick. Spent two in bed. Only exercise I had was when I turned over in bed.

Today managed a 30 minute easy ride on the bike with no tension, RPMs between 70-80. My drill-sergeant daughter stood beside me the entire ride telling me to pedal faster. Registered for the Calgary Police Half Marathon. Really feeling prepared for that right now (NOT!).


Randy assures me I'll be able to easily swim 2 km. Told me to swim like there was a basketball under my chest and push down on it because my butt's dragging - as it always does. Webfingers has been drafting me! No wonder she's been faster. She said her boyfriend told her to do it because it's easier. Yeah, of course it is, I've been doing all the work. Get home, pump milk for next swim.

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