Ironman Canada (IMC) July 9 to August 24

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Focus: Specific preparation for Ironman Canada

Take a deep breath before you look at this! We have a big job in front of us to get you to the start line #1 healthy, and #2, ready to roll on August 24! That being said, your attitude and perseverance the last six months have impressed the heck out of me, and I really believe you can do this. Say thanks to Steve and your mom and dad for me...they are a huge part of your journey.

So, the volume is pumping up quickly here and that means that sleep, massage, and nutrition are all extremely important as is babying every little niggly that pops up. Rest may be hard to come by at your house but if you ever have the opportunity to nap, please do so as it will promote recovery more than you realize.

Let me know if I have your travel plans correct. I'm a bit worried about not giving you enough recovery after your adventure race. The big goal is for you to arrive in Penticton for camp motivated and recovered as you have an outstanding high volume training weekend. So, if recovery isn't coming as quickly as I anticipate, take the extra rest.

I look forward to your comments. I hope you're ready to spend a good hunk of time at the pool! Take some time to stretch your upper body regularly, it's going to be working with these long swims.




After the race I was so excited, I couldn't sit still. Not a good thing when every muscle in your body is seizing by the minute. Ran into Jean's house (okay, I walked fast) waving my Ironman confirmation sheet. My family all looked at me with blank faces. Why weren't they excited? This is Ironman Canada! The biggest event in triathlon. The event you have to wake up before dawn to stand in line the day after the race to register for next year! And I just got a free pass! Well not free, but I didn't have to wait in line. I get to do it! The entire 3.8 km swim, 180 km bike and 42.2 km run. Hmmm. Starting to sink in why they aren't so excited. Start to wonder why I'm so excited.


During the night my legs started getting sore. I had to sleep in a cycling position so they wouldn't hurt. First thing in the morning, did online IMC registration. Registration code I got worked! The spot is legit.

Had the most wonderful phone call from my parents. They offered to put their RV plans on hold to stay the summer at my house in their motorhome so I can train. Yahoo! Huge relief. Wasn't sure how I was going to get in all the training without childcare.

Didn't feel like doing anything today. Too excited, anxious, and tired. Schlumped on couch. Couldn't sleep last night. Too stressed over IMC details - finding place to stay, rearranging holidays, Steve says I need a new bike, got to get a proper wetsuit, etc. Aaahhh!

Stairs are not my friend today. Legs really stiff. Did 45-minute easy spin on bike. Legs were tired but weirdly they didn't hurt on the bike, so I didn't want to get off.


Got first email from IMC confirming registration details. I'm really in! Haven't been this excited about anything since pre-kids.

Had good swim. Seemed easy. Kick is slower thanks to the open water swims. Wasted time chitchatting with other people in the pool so didn't have enough time to finish cool down.

Reviewed new IMC program from Abby. Didn't faint when I saw it, just got a bit lightheaded. Glad I get to keep her for another two months.


Ran in the rain with Chariot (after hauling it down from top of motorhome again). Legs really tired. Can't believe it, both kids fell asleep. Only time I wished I was doing a two-hour run. If my legs weren't so tired, I would have run longer to keep the kids sleeping.

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