May 26 to June 22

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Focus: Endurance, strength with some run intervals to build stamina at the end of long runs when fatigued

Here are the next four weeks. We are really building volume here, plus you are racing three times in this block. Yikes! I'm not giving you rest into your races so I expect you to feel pretty tuckered by the end of this section.

I'd like some feedback from you on how you're coping with training. If you have to miss a workout because you're exhausted cut yourself some slack and let it go. You have been so diligent with your training that the odd missed workout will not destroy all you have done. If missing workouts is a chronic problem, then we need to adjust things. This is also the block when I'd like you to try to fit in a massage if possible. Pre and post workout nutrition is extremely important since your workouts are daily, and the pace of your life is insane.

Your long rides and runs are the best time to dial in your race day nutrition as best as you can, and we need to talk about that and start to build a plan that revolved around calories per hour and carbs per hour. Think of the bike as a smorg. This is the time to get in as much as you can. The run you usually back off a bit on the number of carbs and calories per hour because it's tougher to digest and absorb. I'd like to see you shooting for 200-300 calories per hour and 40-60 carbs per hour on the bike.

In the next week look at the foods and hydration products you use and see where you are at for calories. When we chat, we'll discuss this further. Let me know your thoughts on the program. We're getting close!



MAY 26

Woke up to Ashley eating my Sharkies for breakfast. Thought I had solved this problem. Apparently, I have to actually keep the kids Sharkies stocked. Moved Sharkies out of reach to cupboard over the fridge.

Was expecting to do a 1000 m swim time trial, instead did lots of pulling and focus on low stroke count. Frustrated my pull swims times are the same as low stroke count swims. Poor Webfingers, my other lane mate and I both ended up crashing into her within seconds of each other. No one got hurt.

MAY 27

Did outdoor evening bike with the TriLife group. Days I workout in the evening feel like rest days. Was thinking I'd bike to the group meeting location but, Abby advised me not to. Good thing, it would have been an awful ride into a headwind on the way there and a rushed ride back to get home before dark.

The workout was crazy bike/run intervals up hill. Don't think I worked out at the same intensity as the others. Took it easy on the run downhill and used my entire allotted 5 minutes rest between intervals.

Leg muscles were uncomfortably tired, but not to the point of cramping or burning. Had a bad second transition, banged up my calf with big chain ring. Had to call Steve after second interval to tell him I wouldn't make it home in time to feed Roo before bed.

MAY 28

Had a terrible run. Ipad wouldn't work so lots of starts and stops with the Chariot doing kid interventions. Ashley kept antagonising Roo and trying to sit on her. Are they supposed to be fighting with each other this early? Doesn't bode well for tomorrow's two hour run. Don't think I'll get it done without the Ipad.

I wasn't the kick queen at swimming because of tired legs. Did 200m time trial on 4:30 min. At least I was supposed to. I kept losing track of time so not sure exactly what I was swimming but then neither did anyone else.

MAY 29

Yay! Steve got the Ipad working, thank goodness! Attempting a two-hour run with Chariot. Packed it with Care Bears, toys, snacks and drinks (which were consumed in the first 10 minutes). First hour went well. Kept better pace than expected. Roo fell asleep. Ashley watched her movie and kept telling me to run on my walk breaks so we could get home faster.

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