February 25 to March 23

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Focus: Build #1 - Endurance, technique and strength


Here are the next four weeks. We have a bit of a jump in volume because I'm pushing your cycling time a bit. Run volume is creeping up slowly too, but the biggest jump is in cycling. When I saw how well you are doing on your bike Tuesday night, I decided you can handle it! I do want you using your heart rate monitor on the bike so you can make sure your work interval efforts are at a higher heart rate than your recovery intervals. Single leg and strength work (low cadence) may not drive your heart rate up, but you still should see it rise over an easy spin.

I've given you an option for the Wednesday run. I'm hoping that will help you manage life with babies! Let me know how this looks. Training is going to feel "real" this month. Keep the logs coming too.

I'm really impressed with how you are doing. When you contacted me about this goal after just having a baby, I honestly was a bit sceptic that you'd be able to fit it all in. You're doing it!

Oh, one more thing. We are going to hill repeats based on the success of your hill runs. I'm a bit worried that the stress of pounding up and down may cause you some discomfort because of the recent baby delivery. Please pay close attention to how you feel. If we need to back this down to a hilly run again, we will.

Let me know if you have any questions.




I'm so psychic. Discussed with Randy how long to glide in the swim stroke and that's what the session's drills were on. He said one arm always has to be in the front swim quadrant. Finally starting to make sense. Just have to pull it together (ha, ha). Ruth now going down for the night at 8 p.m. so can feed her before I go swimming. However, still pumping milk when I get home to maintain an extra supply.


Don't know what was more painful, the bike gear pyramid workout or watching the Care Bears four times during it. Couldn't hold the RPMs during the last 3 minutes of first set so sat in same gear (big ring, third from top in back). Next round started one gear easier but dropped as drill went on. Near the end was able to hold most of the RPMs. Forgot to wear heart rate monitor but exertion level was at the point I couldn't yell at Ashley to stop rubbing soap all over the bathroom mirror.


Wore short pants for run. With the fresh scent of manure in the air spring can't be far off.

Did lots of fast continuous swimming intervals. I hate them. Any technique I have crumbles, get breathing hard then feel claustrophobic. Get home, pump milk.


Carol visiting. Made her do core/strength exercises then dragged her out to do hill repeats, which I'm doing in the evening. She didn't bring any running stuff but lucky for her we're the same size and I could outfit her five times over. Misery loves company.

Each interval we reached the same spot on the hill. Felt good, but there's no way I could do them with the Chariot. Told Carol to expect a workout every time she sees me. Sacrum was sore. Wasn't able to stretch right after.


Rest day.

Got an e-mail from Abby:

That was a heck of a week! I'm a bit worried about the nigglies. Do you have a foam roller? How old are your runners? I was thrilled to read your bike efforts at home are very close to what you did at Bow. That rocks! I hope you can join us again. Watch the joints. We want to get that fixed before it becomes a problem that doesn't go away. We may need to back off a bit.

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