August 5 - Ironman Race Day

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Focus: Final preparation and taper for Ironman Canada

Here are the final few weeks leading up to the race. I enjoyed you so much at camp this weekend! You are a joy to be around and when you were sad about not finishing three hours on the run, I was proud of you for listening to your body. I was also satisfied that you made the right decision to take on this amazing Ironman challenge by how disappointed you were in not finishing. That being said, what you accomplished this weekend was utterly amazing. You are one tough cookie.

Now, with this program all runs will be based on your hips not hurting. If they hurt, I know you know what to do. You have quite a few rides left to really get your bike dialled in. Get used to the gearing and feel of the new steed. Please call us to bring it over for adjustments. Kevin is expecting to work on it to make sure it's perfect.

You already know to practice nutrition and hydration on your big workouts and I'm expecting those pieces are falling into place at the camp. You know what to do, you just have to make it happen.

Now, I need to prepare you for the calm before the storm. The part where you start getting antsy. Ants in your pants nutty. In the two weeks before the race when you are tapering you start to doubt your fitness. How long has it been since I did a big workout? And you are tempted to fit in just one more big one. This antsy feeling is good. It's your body preparing to race. Resist the urge to do an extra swim or bike. Take Steve for dinner and a movie if that appeals to you.

Take the extra time and write down your reasons for embarking on this journey. It's easier to remember them when things get tough during the race if you've written them down. Start to plan your race week, your pre-race day and your race day always remembering that even the best laid plans may get side-lined by unforeseen obstacles. Nonetheless a plan is a good idea.

If you start to panic about not being ready, review your training log. All the blood, sweat and tears are there in black and white. You've done the work and will get the reward which is one of the most beautiful things in the world in my opinion, an Ironman finish line. It's simply spectacular.




Did toddle bike with group. Didn't really toddle because my legs felt really good (probably because I bailed on the run). Bike feels good with new adjustments. Pelvis calmed down but still slight pulling on pubic bone.


Finally, a rest day.


Did early 4 km swim. Painfully long. People came and went in my lane, and I kept swimming. Skin all wrinkly at the end. Why is the water always so cold?! Chatted with Randy at the pool. I'm a bit deflated at how surprised he was that I was doing Ironman. I'm not THAT bad. Am I? Realized it's time to stop thinking of myself as a tag-a-long-pretending-to-be-an-athlete-stay-at-home-mom. I am an athlete. I figure if I keep telling myself that then someday, I'll believe it.

Had a good bike despite strong head wind. Questioning whether I should ride new bike in the race. I don't feel comfortable with the gearing or how I'll feel on it after 100 kms. Had good stretch session afterward.


Planned to do  run early. Woke up to a big brown momma bear and her cub in front of the house. Put off run until they lumbered away. Steve did run with me. Packed bear spray on my fuel belt. Stopped to talk to three different neighbours, which was an event because we usually only talk to that many when we take the kids Trick or Treating. Bears have the neighbourhood in a tizzy. Pelvis felt good on run.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2023 ⏰

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