March 24 to April 27

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Focus: Build #2 - Continue to develop endurance and sport specific strength. Long threshold efforts on bike.

Here are the next five weeks taking you to the Police Half Marathon. You'll notice that the fourth week isn't much of a rest week but that's because you are racing the following week. We are not tapering for the Glencoe Icebreaker 10K, but I still want you to race it (we need to talk about that).

Take a look at this and let me know if it's okay or if it needs work. You are doing great! I hope you can get outside for some rides this block.




Did bike spin intervals in middle front, middle/bottom back rings. Was able to maintain RPMs while challenging the legs. Happy I could get RPMs up to 136. Ruth starting to move around so had to hop on and off bike a few times to rescue her. Put lock on fridge so Ashley couldn't bring entire contents down during bike. Feeling shlumpy and unmotivated, probably from exhausting weekend at parents' house. Don't need a rest week from the workouts, I need a rest week from the kids.


Even though I said I'd never do it, I took the kids with me to do run hill repeats. Very hard for me to be home all day and not do a workout. Makes me restless and I feel like a slacker.

Chose a longer, steeper hill because it had a field entry where I could park the Chariot. Realized interval length would take me out of sight of Chariot. Had visions of fairy people stealing them. What if a vehicle came by and I was out of sight? What if they thought I was abandoning my kids, or recklessly endangering them? Couldn't leave them.

Ran hill repeats with Chariot. Loose gravel on road added to the challenge. Worked harder than suggested rate of perceived exertion - had to, otherwise I would have been walking. Close to threshold heart rate near end of interval. First time lungs were taxed before legs. Was able to make same turn around point each time. No idea why Ashley chose that run to try and have a conversation with me. After last interval, walked Chariot rest of the way up hill.

Staggered home thinking how dumb I was to do that workout with the Chariot. Thought about skipping strength exercises but didn't. Hamstring curls were super tough.

Joined Steve and the kids for a bike to the neighbour's to pick up search and rescue files Steve needed to review. Did a dozen pedal strokes, hit a patch of ice, then wiped out. Great start to the outdoor riding season. It wasn't just a few files we picked up but a box of them. Put them on Ashley's lap. After a few minutes Ashley said we should put the box on Ruth instead, she wouldn't mind.


Friend asked me if I wanted to model triathlon clothing for a lecture she was giving at the Outdoor Show in Calgary. Declined due to Glencoe race on the same day. Thank God! The last think I want to do is parade on a stage in spandex.

Spent most of the day looking for missing heart rate monitor. Hoping to find missing water bottle holder as well.

Driving to swimming saw three parked cars at the four-way stop. Very curious. My senses were tingling. Pass three crazy ladies running our country road in the dark. If I was going to drive somewhere for a run it wouldn't be a remote country road with no shoulders and popular with animals.

Very tired swim. Tried valiantly to swim the fast laps fast but wasn't very successful. Feeling the effects of Tuesday's hill run folly. Very sore. One of the women I swim with was telling us about her Ironman Canada experience. The day after registering she was diagnosed with breast cancer. After completing chemo and having a double mastectomy she had two months to train for the race. And she finished! At my astonishment over her feat, she simply shrugged her shoulders like it was no big deal and said anyone can do an Ironman. I am humbled. Training for a half Ironman with two kids is nothing compared to what this woman experienced and achieved.

Trimesters to Triathlons: The Triathlon Diary of a Postpartum MomWhere stories live. Discover now