Chapter 12

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Anderson's POV

Remind me to never go to a football game ever again.

Why is it so damn crowded? And everybody is standing up, why? I can't see the damn field and River is already sitting on my damn shoulders so she can watch the game.

"Is it over yet!?" I yelled, River was too invested in the game to hear me, so I tapped on Ella's shoulder. She had headphones in and was reading a book.

How could she do that when it's this loud?

"Is it over yet?!" I asked her, she stood up and looked over some kid's shoulder before shaking her head.

"How much time left!?" She lifted up 1 finger then 3 then 4.

That's so long.

"Score?!" I questioned, she looked over the kids shoulder again, her eyes widened.

I hope we're losing so I don't have to go to this damn party, I'll cheer for the other team if I have to.

She looked at me then mouthed tie.


Suddenly everyone jumped up and cheered. Even River got off my shoulder to jump up and cheer too. Asher's crazy ass was waving his shirt around while Caroline had loud ass bell and began ringing it.

Rayleigh was just as excited as her hands were perched on Caroline's shoulder and she was jumping up and down. They were all cheering Hayden's name for whatever reason. Maybe he scored I don't know.

I'll never understand the hype.

I look at Ella who looked equally as confused. She looked at me and we stared at each other before I shrugged. She shrugged too and I felt River tugging me to get up and I saw Rayleigh, Caroline, and Asher running down the stands. I grab Ella's hand too so she wouldn't fall behind.

After the final whistle blew and the clock buzzer goes off everyone went ballistic.

"WE WON! WE WON!" I hear Caroline screaming as we run through the gates, towards the field. The two teams began to shake hands.

When Hayden saw us he took off his helmet and began running towards us. Caroline, Rayleigh, River, and Asher all ran to him while Ella, Levi, and I decided to take our time.

I watched as Caroline jumped into his arms and he picked her up and began twirling her around. Then suddenly out of the fucking blue they start kissing.

We weren't all that shocked since we all knew that they had a thing for each other.

When they pulled away they looked both shocked and fluster, suddenly Hayden whispered in her ear and she nodded. Then we all went to congratulate him.

"IT'S TIME TO PARTY!!" Some random screamed, and then I was once again being pulled away by River.

River dropped me off home so I could get ready, although I didn't really give a damn about what I looked like at a party. But she was getting ready with the girls so that's why I couldn't stay with her.

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