Chapter 24

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Anderson's POV

"Wakey wakey sunshine!" I could feel a bright light shine against my eyes. I groan and roll over.

The blankets get yanked off of me.

I peel my eyes open to see River sitting on top of me, fully dress with a bright smile on her face.

"Get up. This was your idea buddy," She poked my chest and I glared at her.

"Actually, it was your idea," I grumbled, she thought for a second.

"Oh yeah, I guess it was. Get up!" She exclaimed, hopping off of me. I sit up, rubbing my eyes and yawning.

"What time is it?" I mumbled, stretching. When I didn't get an answer I look at her to see her staring at me with wide eyes.

"What?" I asked.

"Your voice is very very deep," She stated, I hum. I pull her by her waist to sit on the bed before resting my head on top of her lap.

"Mm, go back to sleep," I grumbled, she pats my head.

"Nope we have to go your house, told you you should've went home," She pinched my cheek, I swatted her hand and sat up again.

"Fuck you." I grumbled some before getting out of bed.

I turn around to see River grinning from ear to ear, sitting criss cross.

"Hurry up and brush your stinky teeth so we can go," She scrunched her face, I roll my eyes before walking into her bathroom.

We were in the car on the way to my place so I can get ready. River had her music on full blast and I was ready to turn it off and jump out the car. I am not functioning, it's too early.

"Can we get McDonalds?" She asked, bouncing in her seat. She is way too energetic in the mornings for my liking.

"Didn't you want to go to Squarebucks?" I grumbled, she gave me a confused look.

"First of all, it's Starbucks," She corrected and a raised brow.

Ok I don't care.

"Second of all, I'm hungry. Mom was sleep when we left the house and I didn't have time to make us anything with you," She jutted at me, "Being slow this morning," She huffed, I rolled my eyes for like the 50th time.

"Fine." I mumbled, turning into the McDonald's parking lot.

"What are you getting?" She asked me, I shrugged.

"I've never had McDonald's breakfast," I told her honestly, looking at the menu.

"Hello welcome to McDonalds what can I get for you?" The speaker said.

"Give me a moment," I told them.

"Alright, let me know when you're ready," She said, I scanned the menu.

"They have hash browns?" I questioned, River hummed.

"You getting that?" She asked, I nodded. "Ok I'll get that too," She said.

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