Chapter 28

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Anderson's POV

"Dad isn't coming home tonight, what do you guys want for dinner?" I asked, scrolling through uber eats on my phone.

"Let's go to Applebees!" Zoe exclaimed, Alexander scrunched his face.

"Why don't we go somewhere more-" I cut him off.

"Applebees it is," I concluded, Alexander sighed.

"Should we even be going out after what happened today?" He questioned, I shrugged.

"Probably not, Zoe do you really want to eat out tonight?" I asked her, she thought for a moment.

"I do," She nodded, Alex looked at her before sighing.

"Fine but we're wearing disguises again, including you two," He gave River and Asher a pointed look.

"Is this what it feels like to be famous?" Asher wondered longly.

"Trust me, it sucks," I remarked, he made a "o" shape with his lips.

"Grab your hats and masks ladies and gents," Alexander jumped up, and River gave him a look.

"Wouldn't it be weird if we're wearing masks?" She asked, Alex thought for a second.

"You're right, but it'll also be weird to wear shades,"

"What if you guys get recognized inside the place?" Asher asked, I sighed and ran my hands down my face.

"We don't have to go if it'll cause so much trouble," Zoe mumbled, her eyes averted to her shoes.

I shook my head.

"No, it's ok. We'll figure it out," I reassured her,

"How about this...." I paused, they all stared at me like they were waiting for me to pull some magnificent plan out of my ass.

"I got nothing," I deadpan, slumping back in my seat. They all gave me a dead look.

"Zoe go put a hoodie or hat on, Andy give Riv some of your clothes," Alexander stood up taking Asher's hand.

"Meet back in here when you're done."

I shoved a big black hoodie over her head and she dramatically gasped for air.

"I almost died," She breathed, I shook my head and walked to my drawer.

"Dramatic," I stated, she giggled and wrapped her arms around me.

"Are you ok?" She asked, I hummed and looked down at her from over my shoulder.

"Why wouldn't I be?" I questioned, she shrugged.

"Just wanted to check," She smiled, I shoved a pair of glasses on her face. She scrunched her face together before taking the glasses off.

"Can't I wear my own?" She mumbled, I turned my body so I was facing her, and she looks up at me with a pout.

"Fine, just keep this on," I flicked the hood over her head, she smiled and nodded before going to grab her glasses.

I also changed into a black hoodie and waited for River before leaving the room and going to Zoe's to see if she was ready.

After that, we waited for Asher and Alex in the living room.

"We look like we're about to rob a place," Asher chuckled when they entered the living room, I stood up from the couch.

"Good, maybe they'll stay away from us," I grumbled.

We all got into one of Dad's cars, a black Tesla Model X, so mine doesn't get recognized. I drove to the parking lot of Applebees and immediately my stomach began to growl.

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