Chapter 42

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Anderson's POV

It felt like forever since I've seen her and I thought she'd never come back.

Of course I knew she quit, she left and never came back without a word and Dad never spoke anything of it even when I asked.

He seemed just as confused as I was.

But somehow he was able to get in contact with her, and she decided to come back to see me again. Her bump is a lot more noticeable, she didn't want to find out the gender without me.

Her Fiancée also came with her, and i've deemed him worthy of her love. I suppose.

We caught up over dinner, Layla, Mom, and Adalee all cooked while Asher, Dad, and I played with the kids.

After, Layla went to put the kids down for bed and lead Adalee and Lucas their room. Adalee decided that her son living in a drug addict's household was not safe for the both of them, so she's moving out and moving in with us. We're going to help with her move their stuff out tomorrow after she tells the women.

After that, Mom and I went out to a quiet park to talk. She told me that she moved to Minnesota to live with her fiancée, which is where her and his family lived.

She invited me to the wedding, which would be held after the baby is born and is old enough to stay with their grandparents without her. She also invited me to the baby reveal party which was next month, and the baby shower that was a month after that.

Very busy.

Then in 3 weeks we have prom.

I have to find the most craziest way to ask River. Maybe I should jump off a building or something and have the parachute said "Prom?" or some shit. Maybe throw some pedals down on her, damn I don't know.

Mom and I were sitting on a bench at the park she used to take me to when I was a little, we only went once because when Jessica found out she raised hell and almost fired her, but Dad told her not to.

I explained everything that happened when she left and she listened throughout the entire rant. I wasn't expecting what she said next.

"I know," My eyes widened in shock.

"You know?" I questioned, she nodded.

"I was just an 18 year old girl looking for an easy way to make money, when I saw that your father put out an ad, I immediately called him and we scheduled a time to meet up," She paused, taking my hands.

"Your Dad has always loved you, everything he did was for you. Yes, he hired me to be his maid, but the main reason was because he wanted his son to have someone to talk to, to play with, and to love," She smiled softly at me.

"He wanted you to know what love felt like, he wanted you to know that you weren't alone. He cried explaining everything to me, he felt depressed because he saw how alone you were, he thought getting a puppy would help, but he saw how sad you were all the time," I lower my gaze to our locked hands.

"So he hired me, to love and cherish you, and don't think my love was fake, it was anything but that," She tapped my chin and I look up at her.

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