Chapter 15

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Anderson's POV

When I walked through the door Mom was holding a large clear trash bag, throwing cans of beer away.

"I'm going to take Zeus outside then i'll help you," I say and she smiles softly at me before nodding.

I went upstairs to my room and when I walked in Zeus was still in his same spot on the bed, just laying there.

"Zeus! Come on boy!" I said cheerfully, he lifted his head and looked at me, before turning away and laying his head back down.

I frowned.

Usually he'd get up and follow me.

"Zeus? Come on I don't want you pissing in my bed," I groaned, he finally got up, slowly. He followed me downstairs and I opened the back door to let him out. I made sure his food and water was ready for when he got back, in case he was hungry.

I grabbed a trash bag and slid on some gloves before meeting Mom in the living room, she was sitting down on the couch.

"Mom?" I say, she looks at me and smiles.

"Yes Andy?" She stood back up and continued to throw trash away, I followed her.

"Zeus is acting weird," I told her, she looked at me.

Why is she looking at me like that?

She's sighed and looked away, I scrunched my brows together.

"What? What's wrong?" I asked, Mom puts down the trash bags and walks towards me. She takes my hand in hers and gives me a sad look.

"He's getting old, Anderson," She remarked.

I was confused at first, and then my eyes widened. I frowned at her and shook my head.

"No, he's fine Mom, he probably just didn't get enough sleep last night," I say, walking to the back door.

"Or he's just hungry", I opened the door to let Zeus in, he was laying down next to the door. When he saw me he got up and went inside.

When I closed the door I kneeled down to his level and he proceeded to lick my hand and face. I smiled patted his head, he placed his paw on my knee.

"See Mom," I looked over at her, she was stand a few feet away smiling at us.

"He's fine." I grinned and stood up, Zeus walked over to his food bowl.

"If you say so Andy," She sighs.

I noticed that while we were cleaning Mom didn't look so good herself. She occasionally sat down or she'd disappear into the bathroom.

The house was almost cleaned, we just needed to do laundry and clean the bathrooms because who knows what people have done in them.

Mom sat back down on the couch, I walked up to her.

"Are you feeling ok, Mom?" I asked, she smiled wearily and nodded.

"Yes, they're just giving me a hard time, is all," She replied," Ok now i'm lost.

"What?" I asked, she laughed.

After You Came Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora