It's Okay Kid (Trans Dipper)

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It was a quite day at the shack, Stan watching some stupid thing on his TV. Ghost Turtle. Definitely not his favorite or the best quality.

"Say Mr. Pines, aren't you supposed to pick up your great nieces?" Soos said, walking into the living room and leaning his broom against the wall.

With a small grumble, Stan replied, "Yeah, yeah, I got it." Cracking his back as he stood, he lazily put on slippers that layed next to his chair. Stan didn't bother to change, he didn't care about 'looking nice' for first impressions. They'll get to know him more and learn this is how their grunkle's like.

The old man slowly but surely got his keys and headed out the door, "What were their names again? M and M, May and Marbles?" He kept talking to himself as he drove to the bus stop. Their names just couldn't connect and come to his mind. But it was a good thing that he couldn't remember one on them.

The twins saw his red car recklessly coming at them, as if it were about to run them both over to leave a dark red mess on the side of the road. All their bodies could do was sheld themselves with their arms, which wouldn't do much if the car did make contact.

The tension almost left their bodies as the car came to it's stop, the black unable to see through windows rolled down, "Are you two the kids I'm meant to pick up?" His rough scratchy voice asked.

"Are you our great uncle?" Dipper asked, his voice quite, not wanted people to hear or comment about how high it was.

"What? Speak up, kid," Stan tried to turn up his hearing aid, feeling like this kid was going to have a lot of mumbling issues.

"What my bro, bro, Dipper" Mabel put a lot of emphasis on those words.

Leaving Stan questioning it, 'Bro bro? Aren't they a-'

"was asking was if you're our great uncle!" Her voice was as loud and as excited as normal.

"Yes!" The older man snapped out of his thoughts, "But you can call me your grunkle Stan!"

That only made Mabel smile more and she hopped into the car, "I'm Mabel!" grabbing her brothers sleeve and dragging him in with her.

The car ride home was quite. Too quiet for anyone's liking. Stan would've had the radio playing if it worked. It would only play 25% of the time and even then it still had it's small glitches.

By the time they got to the Mystery Shack, Mabel was bouncing up and down in her seat. Right when the car pulled to a stop, she jumped out and ran around. She observed everything she saw, trying to figure out new and fun things to do. Dipper on the other hand observed everything as well, but not for the same reason. The brown haired boy has always been a little too paranoid, thinking someone or something was out to get him. His guard was always up. Even before the journal, he lived by the 'trust no one' rule, well besides his twin. That was the only one he could trust.

"You're rooms in the attic," Stan walked inside, not really caring if the twins stayed outside or not. "We don't have much food so eat only what you need. Dinners at 8:00." Slamming the door behind him as he left. He made his way to his room, quietly shutting his creaky door behind him.

There was a small, old, dusty shoe box he reached for under his bed. He made a small complaint about his back, but still managed to reach it. Old photos were the only thing littering the old box, "It's okay, kid. I won't let anyone make fun of you." He grabbed out a old picture of Dipper and Mabel, both with long chocolate brown hair and in fairy princess dresses. He ripped it in two, keeping the side with Mabel and shredding the part with Dipper on it. He was never going to let anyone misgender him. And if they did, oh, would they immediately regret it.

A/N: Heyyy, I decided to make random Gravity Falls oneshots. I'm sick right now so I'm sorry if it's crappy. Request stuff if you want, I'm probably not going to school tomorrow so I'll write more then. Also sorry, I rushed this

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