Heather (Part 1)

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Dipper's Point Of View

Age (Bill and Dipper's): 16

"Come on," I grumbled to myself as me and Bill tried to get the punch stain out of my shirt. He was so close to my face... a blush managed to creep onto my face as I turned my head away, not wanting him to notice.

"Welp I give up! Just take one of my shirts." Bill looked through his closet, "Um, this one is small on me so it's more than likely going to fit you Pine Tree." He threw a sweater at my face. Polyester, is that a comfortable fabric? I questioned to myself as I read the tag. "What are you waiting for, put it on." I took off my navy blue shirt and threw on the sweater. I knew he hardly has ever worn this thing, but it smelled like him... no I'm not trying to be a creep. But Bill has this calming smell to him, we've been friends for life so trust me, I know by this point.

I can't believe he just gave me his sweater. "Thanks Bill." I smiled warmly at him.

"That's what friends are for," he sat back next to me, wrapping an arm around my shoulder. "Plus it looks better one you." Bill booped my nose, making me scrunch it up and sneeze. Agh, he always says I sneeze like a kitten. And again, this time was no exception.

Within 30 minutes we pick out a movie and watch that the rest of the day until we both fall asleep on his bed.

Time skip

Me and Bill walked down the school halls on our way to our lockers, which were right next to each other somehow. People watched us as we did, well mostly watched Bill. The 'demon king' as some people like to call him, is very popular at this high school. His parents are pretty wealthy, he super attractive, he's really kind and smart. All A student, it surprises me too. I think he was just gifted with everything. Bill's always been way smarter than the average person at his age, it's really impressive to me. I'm considered smart, but compared to Bill my brain is like a baby's.

By the time we get to our lockers I get out of my daydreaming. How couldn't I daydream about him, he's my best friend and I love everything about him. I can't imagine a life without him. But then again, there's her.


Her carmel smooth colored skin, her black hair that's always in a nice ponytail, her short skirts that most boys find attractive, the different colored headband she wears everyday. Most people love everything about her. Bill was no different...

You could see it in his eyes, everytime she spoke, everytime she even walked by. His eyes lit up, something I could never get him to do no matter how hard I tried. Why couldn't he just look me the way he looks at Heather at least one time? I want him to be happy, more than anything else... but I wish he was happy with me... I know it's probably a bitchy thing to say, but I wish he were...

About a week later

I told him to go for it, to ask her out and hang out with her more. And guess what happened? She said yes and now they're dating... I can't be mad, I was the one who told him to do it I just- I didn't want things to be like this. I want him to be happy more than anything else and if this means he'll be happy then I'll stand by! I'll just try to move on, no matter how hard it's going to be. I'll stand by because I love him... if you love someone let them go, right? Isn't that what they say to you? No matter how much it breaks your heart, let them go if you really love them...

He constantly leaves me for her, texting her in the middle of an important conversation between us. Sometimes I just can't handle it. Currently we're at the mall, I'm just standing there in the corner as he buys her things. Then I finally notices what Heather's wearing. His sweater. The one he let me borrow. I know I should be sad! I know this is stupid and I want him to be happy more than anything else and I should have just learned to let him go, but it hurts! It hurts too much! My heart and brain keep fighting on what it wants! And I don't know what to do! I just- I can't look at them right now. I ran out of the store. Not looking behind me as I made my way to the parking lot. They'll have more fun without me. It's better that I left. It would just be better if I-

A hand on my shoulder cut me out of my darkening thoughts. "I thought you said you'd stay with us at the mall." You could hear the soft smile in his voice.

"S-sorry, you two just looked like you were having so much fun and I didn't want to bother you." Fuck! Stupid shitty tears came into my eyes, fuck! Just please make these feelings stop!

Bill didn't say anything rude, he just wiped it away and kept his hand in my cheek. "Hey, Pine Tree, it's okay. You're my best friend and I love you."

Not thinking about the way he meant it, I said. "I love you too." Before I could think again a pair of lips were on my own.

What. The. Fuck.

Part 2 later

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